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Challenges of Using Angular for your Startup Business Specially Fintech

In the bustling startup scene, choosing the right technology is crucial. Your choice of tech should provide scalability, efficiency and flexibility - incredibly important factors, especially for startups. 


Angular has quickly become one of the most popular and widely used frameworks, and that's for a good reason. It’s robust, versatile and highly performant, laying a strong foundation for development teams to build responsive and dynamic web applications.


Let’s dive right into why Angular is worth considering adding to your startup’s tech stack. 

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source framework for building web applications. It was first developed by Google and is currently maintained by the Angular team at Google as well as a large community of developers. 


It’s a complete rewrite of AngularJS (its predecessor) with major changes and updates, like modularity, TypeScript and better performance. 


Developers can create scalable and high-performance web apps running smoothly across different platforms and devices. Whether you're building a simple web application or a complex enterprise-level project, Angular is a powerful framework that can help bring your idea to life.

Why Angular? Benefits for startups

Startups need a reliable tech stack that supports fast development, scalability, and long-term sustainability. Let’s look at some of the reasons why Angular is a great choice for your startup:

Modular architecture

Angular has a modular architecture. What this means is: developers can break down the application into smaller parts (modules) which can be more easily maintained as your startup grows. 


Updates or changes to one part of your app won’t affect the others, making debugging and testing easier as well. Your development team can work on separate features independently and reuse components throughout the app which can save you time and result in a more consistent interface. 


Rich ecosystem

Angular has a rich library of third-party plugins, extensions, and tools that can be used to build applications faster and at a lower price point. Developers can also utilise built-in features and reusable components to speed up development with less effort. 


You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, you can leverage available third-party tools and integrations to achieve your goals. This comes especially handy if you’re a startup with limited resources and a tight schedule. 

Excellent performance

Angular was built with performance in mind so your product runs smoothly and efficiently, even when it's working with large data sets. Additionally, Angular's built-in optimisation tools help reduce load times and improve overall performance.

Buzzing community

Being an open-source framework, Angular is continuously being improved with the help of an active community of developers worldwide.


You can find tons of resources available online - from tutorials, blogs and forums to code snippets, that can prove invaluable for your software development project. 


What is more, feedback from the community helps shape the direction of the Angular platform so that it remains practical, useful and relevant. 


Challenges of using Angular for your startup

No framework is without its challenges, and Angular is no exception. While it offers many advantages, you may also encounter hurdles along the way. It’s important to weigh both pros and cons before making a final decision. Here’s what you need to know:

Steep learning curve

Angular has a steeper learning curve compared to some other, more lightweight web development frameworks. If your development team is not already familiar with TypeScript and Angular's syntax, it may take some time to get up to speed. 


Alternatively, you can hire Angular developers who already have the expertise, ensuring your project progresses efficiently without the downtime associated with learning a new framework.


With Angular, performance can be a double-edged sword. As you scale and roll out more features, you may experience performance bottlenecks if your development team isn’t following best coding practices. 


It may be tempting to utilise Angular’s extensive toolset and powerful features, but startups should be careful not to overengineer their product by adding too many, often unnecessary features. This can quickly inflate costs and introduce more complexity. 


What can you build with Angular?

Single-page applications

Angular is a single-page web application framework so naturally, it’s the obvious choice if you’re looking to build a single-page app (SPA). SPA is a web app that relies on a single page that dynamically updates content. SPAs are a popular choice for products which require fast and responsive interfaces, real-time updates and seamless user experience.

E-commerce apps

Angular's architecture is well-suited for developing e-commerce apps. You can utilise its modular structure to implement complex shopping cart functionality, user authentication and product catalogs. Additionally, Angular’s performance optimisations ensure your e-commerce platform runs smoothly, even under heavy user load. 

Progressive web apps

Progressive web apps (PWAs) offer the best of both worlds – the reach of the web and the performance of native apps. PWAs provide offline access, push notifications, and better performance, enhancing user engagement and retention. For startups aiming to deliver a superior mobile experience without the overhead of maintaining multiple codebases, Angular can be a great choice.

Enterprise-grade apps

The modular architecture of Angular is great for building feature-rich and complex apps like a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for example. 


Successful startups using Angular

Still wondering if Angular is the right choice for your startup? Let’s look at a few successful examples of startups that have leveraged Angular to build their platforms:


Crunchr is a people analytics platform for HR professionals. The team leveraged Angular to create an intuitive and data-driven web application. Angular's ability to handle complex data and provide interactive dashboards enables Crunchr to offer a tailored, easy-to-use solution for their customers.


Scription is an end-to-end solution for pricing, selling, and managing subscription maintenance contracts for commercial and industrial equipment. Angular's scalability ensures that Scription can adapt to the diverse needs of the industries they serve. 


Mofakult is an e-commerce platform that specialises in moped parts and accessories. They rely on Angular to deliver a seamless shopping experience, with complex product logic, multi-tab handling and product configurations. With Angular's performance optimizations, Mofakult can maintain fast load times and provide real-time updates, even as they scale to meet growing customer demand.


allmyhomes, a startup in the real estate sector, uses Angular to power its online property management and listing platform. Angular's dynamic user interfaces and real-time data capabilities enable allmyhomes to provide property seekers with a responsive, feature-rich experience.

The bottom line

Angular has incredible potential and is a great choice for building your digital product. With the framework’s strong performance and out-of-the-box functionality, developers can create fast, dynamic and robust web applications. 


But to avoid bottlenecks, make sure you take into account the expertise of your development team. Working with someone who is well-versed in Angular will ensure your product is built the right way - with scalability and best coding practices in mind. 


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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