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Industry is ready to invest GBP 900 million on Fast Payout?

According to E&Y Fast Payout study, estimated cost to industry of proposed requirements are as follows

Requirement                     Estimated Cost (GBP in Millions)       % of total cost
Data Cleansing                                 196.5                                    22
Eligibility Account flagging                  135.2                                    15
Single customer view                         438.8                                    49
Check against FSCS Limit                    21.6                                      3
Elect storage and retrieval                  99.6                                      11
Total systems cost                                 891.8                                          100

Total cost includes maintenance over 42 months plus implementation time frame of 18 months

Financial institutions are ready to invest GBP 900 million on Fast Payout?



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FSCS Fast Payout

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