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Is There a Free AI for Answering Questions?

Getting asked a question that you don’t know about is as painful as it gets. You try searching Google but that too fails. A dozen of links stare right at you and you’ve got no clue which one has got your answer. 

But, what if we told you that there’s a better way to go about this problem? Yes, that is by leveraging the power of generative AI.  

Free generative AI apps can give you pinpoint answers to your queries without any hassle. So, no need to waste your precious time on researching answers as these valuable tools have got your back. 

Why Can’t We Use Search Engines for Answers? 

We’ve addressed this question in the introduction ‘Why can’t we use search engines for answers?’ But, for the sake of clarity, we’ll go through it again in specifics. 

Search engines like Google, Bing, etc., are good resources for technical, detailed research. These aid purposes like thesis writing, research for academic assignments, and so on. 

However, not everyone is trained to read thousands of responses that pop up on a user query. As a result, a common person either gives up their research to remain ill-informed or gets misinformed about a well-known fact. 

Hence, it’s better to use AI tools like ChatGPT and Bing AI to quench your thirst for knowledge.  

These applications are designed for everyone to find their answers without any hassle. Plus, they’ve been incorporated into each platform, so access to generative AI is much easier than it was before. 

Limitations of Chatbots 

No matter how good ChatGPT, Bing AI, Claude, Gemini, or other chatbots are, they still have their limitations when answering questions. 

Their advantage is their disadvantage, too: they’re too dynamic. The chatbots aren’t made with any specific goal in mind. They’ve been built to perform a variety of tasks in the daily schedule of a person, acting like a virtual assistant. 

For instance, you can ask ChatGPT to write an email to your boss, create an image of Bugs Bunny, and whatnot. However, the chatbot isn’t specifically trained on one task – that is to answer questions. 

Thus, whenever chatbots attempt to answer questions, mostly, they mostly overcomplicate the response with too much information. Or, they would give you a way too generic response, unable to address the points asked in your question. 

Hence, you must get a specialized AI tool made to work on a specific task. However, finding the right specialized tool is another hassle. 

How to Find a Specialized AI Tool? 

Searching and choosing the right specialized tool is hectic. First off, there are dozens of AI answer generators online that are either filled with spam (free) or don’t work without paying a fortune. 

Some may have neither of the problems but aren’t trustworthy enough to be recommended for regular answer extraction. Hence, laymen face the problem of finding specialized tools to satisfy their inquisitiveness. 

This is where we’ll help you get back on your feet. The best way to find an AI tool is to search for it. Don’t worry, we won’t let you get confused with a stream of results it will be the other way around. 

Look for the results that pop on top of your search results and click on them. The reason is that these answer generators would be top-rated by the search engine algorithms. Many might find them trustworthy and useful and that’s why they’re showing on top. 

In our search, we found an AI answer generator from Editpad. This tool works without any sign-ins, sign-ups, or any other lengthy procedures. Getting the answers is completely free, and the UI is something to die for – simplistic, yet elegant. 

We’ll explain how we found this tool better than others in just a bit. Meanwhile, here’s a quick recap: Search engines are too general, and chatbots are better. But, be more specific and choose specialized AI tools like Editpad’s AI answer generator. 

Advantages of AI Answer Generator 

Below, we’ve covered the reasons why we liked Editpad’s AI Answer Generator over others. These are advantages that we found after thorough testing, however, you’re free to verify the results, too. 

  1. Requires No Sign-Ups 

This is the best feature we found. No beating around the bush, no fake promises of free trials, just straight to the point – exactly how we like it. 

Simply, approach the tool’s interface, type in your question, and wait a second or two for the response. The tool works well with different types of browsers, whether on desktop or mobile, so it has got you covered even on the run. 

The best thing about the tool is its free model. However, the website will run ads to generate a source of revenue for the developers. So, the tool won’t work with an ad blocker –the only negative that we could find. 

Regardless, unlike other websites that fill the screen with pop-ups, this specialized tool still has a bearable amount of advertisements. 

  1. Sleek User Interface 


The tool has a very minimalistic feel to it. This makes it easier for everyone to interact and extract answers from the tool. All it requires is your query in the text box, and an asking tone (if you desire.) 

For example, we’ll ask a question to the AI answer generator, ‘the difference between speed and velocity’ without changing the tone. Below is the result we got. 


Quite impressive! The answer we have received to our question is in a very easy-to-understand language. It conveyed all the required points, making it valuable for someone trying to learn and grasp the concept of speed vs. velocity. 

  1. Demands Few Inputs 

As we’ve seen above, the tool is very simple to use for a common person. It isn’t too fancy with a ton of options, nor is it too basic to become invaluable for the people. 

This is why we like this tool – it hangs in perfect balance for people with too much technical knowledge vs. the ones who don’t. So, the number of demanded inputs suits well for every type of user on the internet. 

Just for the sake of your curiosity, we’ll ask another question to the generator, this time altering the tone to ‘worried.’ 


As evident, the tool has aptly understood the situation of the user and explained to them how the taxes are deducted from the income. The response is concise and perfect for people in a hurry. 

  1. Gives Accurate Answers 

In our testing, we found Editpad’s AI answer generator to be a very accurate and reliable tool. The answers are verifiable, ensuring that whatever you get is 100% correct. 

To prove our point, we’ll ask some general-knowledge questions from the generator to see if the answers it gives are accurate or not. We won’t alter the tone since these questions don’t require any tonal change.  

Example 1: 


This answer is true, clearly depicting the capabilities of the specialized AI tool. 

Example 2: 


The given response is the right one as, according to the statement, Cliff is the eldest, then Tanya, and finally, Eric. 

Example 3: 


Earth’s radius is a piece of common knowledge. Regardless, the tool has given the right answer. 

Final Words 

In conclusion, there are free AI tools available that can accurately answer questions without the need for extensive research.  

While search engines and chatbots have limitations, specialized AI tools like Editpad's Answer Generator offer advantages such as no sign-ups, a sleek user interface, minimal user-needed input, and accurate answers.  

The said tool is reliable, easy to use, and can quickly provide valuable information. So, if you are looking for a free way to get correct answers, utilizing the AI answer generator is the way to go. 

That’s it for the post! We hope you enjoyed reading our work! 










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