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So it's all over

3am London time, and the final whistle has been blown in Sydney as the Exhibition closed here at noon on Friday. 

What of the week ?

Swift goes from strength to strength, interesting that the big growth of message volumes is still in Securities.  So why the emphasis on Payments (Sepa, Target 2) and Corporates this year ?  I suppose that is still the major focus of the Swift Board.

Better than ever at the Standards Forum (year three), with over 80 attending the split stream Securites reference data model panel, and Securities vastly outnumbering Payments people at Thursday's informative Market practice session - so some comfort there.

Back to the Exhibition, and all credit to Tibco for their MiFID demonstrator. By next year, MiFID will be just one month from going live - in the "on time" countries, at least.  So maybe the market impacts of MiFID, and progress in Clearing and Settlement, will make it onto the Sibos Boston agenda ?

BearingPoint and I hope to see you all there !


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