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Okay! Leading with Cloud, now what?


Shall I fall back on the past cloud strategy? Focus only on the build and speed above all else?

 And the answer is… Holistic strategy for Operating Model Transformation for Journey to Cloud with future-proof strategy. Go forward…

·      Strategize for the build, migrate and modernize

·      Target diverse workloads based on the circle of customer experience

·      Prioritize speed, experience, and resiliency

·      Secure by design

·      Choose lock-in where appropriate

Holistic strategy for Operating Model

Leaders need to learn, build and fly simultaneously with three KPIs – 1) Speed, 2) Scale 3) Security for People, Process, and Technology areas while making sure data flow like water in the pipeline effectively through all the systems to provide a single source of the truth – the lifeline to make right decisions.

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  • Organization - Focus on the cultural and organizational change to drive the transformation to foster collaboration and shared values aligned to a common business mission
  • Talent management – Identify needs and provide learning journeys and hands-on experience to build skills to manage the modern enterprise @scale




  • Operational Planning for Integrated Service Management – Devise a modern command center that drives collaboration, observability, and service availability across all services in a cloud landscape - You can’t fix what you don’t see.
  • SRE Management – Understand and plan to manage across hundreds of DevSecOps teams with continuous visibility and automated, policy-driven decisions.
  • DevSecOps – Plan for the pervasive deployment of automated DevSecOps processes and practices to eliminate bottlenecks that impede time to market
  • Automated Governance – Account/budget/cost Management, Security & Compliance Automation Cloud risk control framework to govern the cloud migration & update the framework as learning continues - Trust but validate




  • Platform - Fully automated platform based on standard technology blueprints to enable cost-effective innovation with integrated security and compliance
  • Developer self-service - Enable developers to consume services via a self-service digital experience and from automated DevOps pipelines, with instant gratification and no friction.
  • Embedded Security and Compliance - Create a new approach that balances agility with security governance and compliance. 


Understand Challenges for banking in the public Cloud:


  •  Maintain the critical balance between regulatory, security, and resiliency
  • Need to deal with dozens of regulatory updates effectively and securely
  • Need to deal with sensitive data while making sure it flows where it requires
  • Learn to deal with the loss of control while innovating
  • Need to build the required skills
  • Understand and factor interoperability hurdles between legacy, acquired company systems, and cloud infrastructure and services.
  • Most importantly – Need to build trust between business units and the Cloud team



Next time, let’s learn about the six R’s of Migration and TCO.


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