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How Blockchain-Based Game Development Shaping the Future of Mobile Games?

Blockchain technology is rightly associated with cryptocurrencies. Yes, the technology first came to the notice with the emergence of Bitcoin. But that was just the beginning. Over the years, Blockchain continued to evolve and made its presence felt across many industries and became the most secure technology for handling critical data and facilitating transactions. Starting from the banks and financial institutions, Blockchain has been embraced by different sectors, including retail, real estate, manufacturing, healthcare, and many others.

Now Blockchain is playing a decisive role for gaming apps as well. How decentralized database technology can influence a robust development process across game projects. This is why we are here to explain how Blockchain-based game development will shape the future of mobile gaming. But let us spare a few words on the basics of Blockchain.

What exactly is Blockchain?

Blockchain refers to the chain of decentralized data blocks allowing access based on mutual agreement. Blockchain for protecting the data uses high-level encryption technology called cryptography.

Blockchain offers impenetrable data security as it does not allow deleting, changing, or tampering with data, and Blockchain registers all inputs as separate pieces of data accessible through historical reports. Blockchain's "Write Only" protocol makes it completely tamper-proof technology.

What is a Blockchain-Based Game?

As we all know, Blockchain facilitates easier digital transactions. In the same way, Blockchain entered into game app projects to facilitate in-game transactions and handle game data for development tasks. Thanks to Blockchain-based games, the developers can no longer enjoy centralized control on the game projects and their attributes.

The game assets of a Blockchain-based game app are stored decentralized across multiple servers. Blockchain-based games also allow decentralized transaction methods such as cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

How Lethal is the Combination of Blockchain and Games?

There are many ways Blockchain technology is pushing innovations in the game development industry. Below, we provide some crucial and definitive ways Blockchain is changing game development in a never-before way.

  • Players have more control over the ultimate gaming experience as they can access game assets and virtual resources from multiple sources on the web. 
  • Blockchain-based games brought decentralized monetary models such as 'play-to-earn' within the game projects. It opened the scope of sharing profits with the game players. 
  • For gamers, Blockchain made acquiring virtual gaming resources like game themes, virtual game currencies or coins, etc., much more accessible through non-fungible tokens or NFT technology. 
  • Thanks to its highly secure tamper-proof database technology, Blockchain is increasingly relied upon for in-game transactions. This is likely to push revenues for game apps depending upon in-app purchases for monetization.  
  • Blockchain is creating a new gaming ecosystem based upon a win-win principle with privileges to players for earning money by playing and a secure, cost-efficient, and transaction-pushing game environment for developers.

Three Key Trends in Blockchain-based Game Development

Now that we have already explained how Blockchain brings a new range of promises for game developers and players, it is essential to look at the evolving trends of developing games empowered by Blockchain technology. Here, we would like to explain three critical Blockchain-based game development trends.

Social Gaming

Another significant trend exposed to Blockchain innovations is the social gaming or game apps that allow social media interactions for a more collaborative and engaging gaming experience. The community-based gaming experience, which is crucial for many game projects such as fantasy sports app development can now deliver a more streamlined gaming experience thanks to Blockchain.

Now players collaborating in real-time can create innovative game characters and assets of their preferences, and Blockchain will facilitate managing, storing, and accessing these game characters and virtual assets as per specific requirements. Blockchain-based social gaming networks exist to create, collaborate upon, and deliver custom gaming experiences.

Open Web Gaming

The Open Web Games have taken up tremendous momentum in recent years because of the increasing participation of gamers in shaping the gaming experience. As we have already explained, developers are no longer the sole proprietors of the games who can decide upon all aspects of the game project.

Open Web Games allow players to access game assets through multiple sources for an improved playing experience. Blockchain facilitated creating this open and decentralized ecosystem where players can incorporate a variety of game assets and resources into their game projects by using decentralized non-fungible tokens or NFTs.

This active role played by the game players in shaping the look, feel, and gaming experience of a game app and how they can use various game assets from diverse web sources is something entirely new. The players can now buy game assets by using cryptocurrency and using the same in another game app. This is much similar to creating a digital ecosystem and economy of virtual goods for the players and developers.

Virtual Gaming Transactions

Virtual gaming transactions, mainly through NFT in recent years, experienced a steady increase, and the NFT gaming transactions already account for a large portion of the Blockchain revenue. We already have a wide range of NFT games representing several genres and game types.

Unique NFT gaming experience has been a critical proponent for the continuous popularity and growth of Blockchain-based games development. NFT based game transactions and game data management is helping many game developers to penetrate non-traditional game audiences. For example, an NFT based motivational game app called Ignite used virtual coins to encourage players to carry out specific tasks.


Blockchain game development has already created a massive stir in the game market, and it is not going to fade away like a short-lived tech buzz. There is an excellent possibility that Blockchain technology can set all the major trends in the game world. The future of mobile gaming seems to look up to Blockchain technology for pushing the next barrier of innovations.


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Victor Martin

Victor Martin



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26 Jan 2017



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