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Keeping tabs on the community

We've just rolled out another new feature for the Finextra Community.

If you've upgraded to full community membership, you can now receive a weekly email alert tailored to your interests. It's a concise round-up of the site plus an overview of recent activity by members you have bookmarked. It also includes your blog stats and a list of any unread messages and so on.

Naturally you can opt-in or out of it at any time by logging into your home page and choosing newsletter preferences in the options panel on the right.

To get the best out of it, make sure you bookmark any members you find interesting. As usual, please keep the feedback and suggestions coming in. It's plain text at the moment but if enough folk request it we could do a HTML email version.

We think it's quite a nifty idea to liven up a dull Monday - in fact we'd place it on the "very funky" end of the funky board.


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