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No to cycling

UK women may have triumphed in the recent Olympic Games but it looks like the women of the UK aren’t so keen on cycling. Research shows that over half of women will not cycle to work because they’re worried about what they’ll look like when they arrive in the office with concerns including hair, make-up and sweating. Women were three times more likely to cycle on an exercise bike, which comes as no great surprise - gyms are a much more practical time and place to cycle don’t you agree?!


Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 27 October, 2008, 10:14Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

From a male perspective - sitting on an exercise bike in a gym sounds dull. I used to cycle to work once or twice a week and found on the days I cycled in I was more alert, felt happier, got fitter and did better work.

I liked it as getting fit was a side effect of travelling to work - which I had to do anyway. The thought of devoting precious time solely to exercise leaves me cold.

On the practical side, the folding bike went nicely under the desk and I had a small supply of extra clothes in the office so I could change. I also found dawdling in helped to reduce the perspiration levels.

I recall there was talk of installing a shower room for cyclists too but it never came to anything.

I say "used to cycle in". We moved offices - the building owners are a bit anti-bike and the route I'd have to take now is just unpleasant and messy enough to make me think twice. And don't get me started on bendy buses...

TFL have lots of useful info on cycling in London.

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