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Sibos mileage - an update

Following on from my previous blog about the mileage a typical Sibos delegate clocks up during the event, I have an update for you. Monday started quite slowly with a modest 7.8km - there was a lot of standing around catching up with comrades from Sibos' past. I definitely made up for it though on Tuesday - a whopping 18km during the day! Mind you, I did run a 6.5 kilometre 'fun' run with the EBA before breakfast, which got me off to a good start. It's just a shame I didn't keep it ticking for the evening activities - I covered a fair bit of ground attending 4 different parties, and the conga lines at the Fundtech bash would probably have added another 5k to my tally at least!

Today another reasonably low count with just 6.3km clocked at time of writing, but there is still lots of time left in the day to rack up the miles... Another update will follow soon.


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