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Finextra unveils SibosOnline 2.0

Finextra is introducing a raft of innovative and interactive Web 2.0 services for visitors to this year's Sibos conference and exhibition in Vienna, including a user-generated photo archive, exhibitio...

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Going to Sibos - take your camera!

If you're going to Sibos you'd be mad not to take your camera - particularly as you can now share your pictures with the world via Finextra - so here are a few tips for taking more interesting pictures.

  1. Don't forget your charger and USB lead (if needed)! Nothing is more annoying than forgetting something like this - trust me on this one.
  2. Carry it with you all the time if you can (you don't want to miss anything) - but take care not to lose it.
  3. Get close to your subject  - many people take photos from way too far away - so move closer - or zoom in.
  4. Try turning the flash off. Flash is unflattering. Instead try without. If the light is low and you need to keep the camera still - try putting it on a firm surface, use the self timer and press the shutter. Bingo - no camera shake. A small pocket-sized tripod is a boon and can be picked up for about a fiver.
  5. Make the most of your camera's presets. Modern digital cameras often have handy presets such as night scenery for example. Couple these with the self-timer trick and you can take quite fetching shots quickly. For example the picture below was taken with my camera simply resting on Waterloo bridge.
  6. Forget the rules. Often a random shot from the hip is more interesting than a carefully composed picture.

Any more tips? Add them below.


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