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Innovation in Travel Sector: Elements Marketers Can Learn From

Travel sector has gone a long way now to delight the customers and these try and tested methods can also help grow mobile app development companies to the fullest. Right from adopting the risk taking methods to utilizing some of the most utilized mobile first strategies, the travel business is going leaps and bounds.

Marketing for travel industry is not different from the one that is done by mobile app marketing companies. Both the industries aim to gain the attention of the users and maximise their share of profits by exposing their services to the clients.

Let’s take a close look on the elements that are meant equally for professionals in both the industries.

Mobile first strategy

Digital transformation is the key consideration for businesses to flourish successfully. If your app is not there on user’s mobile, you are missing on a large audience that falls into dedicated mobile and app user category. Thus, to remain competitive, companies must embrace digital marketing completely.

Mobile is massive and so are the effects it can have on the business. Also, it is the most effective way to reach to millions of users effortlessly. Well, you need to serve quality and a superb user experience to gain the interest of the users. Mobile first strategy is a sure-shot success mantra for all the businesses.

Offer end-to-end experience

Gaining specializing only in a few business dimensions (areas) is a thing of past. And, travel industry knows the truth. Today, it is all about widening the business and also awaring the clients about the same with an aim to expanding the business exposure. Users are only going to interact with the business in case they have the information about it.

Satisfying the users with end-to-end services is also going to matter for app development companies to make their reputation a grand one. For example- Airbnb recently moved from pure accommodation marketplace to offer customized tour packages to users. This can be included in app marketing approaches too to delight the users.

Take risks in order to amplify user experience

Taking risks and growing the business is one of the approaches that travel giants are opting for today to include innovation in their services. The risks may or may not pay you off at times but it is always good to try new elements in your business. Users are always keen to know the newer aspects.

Mobile app marketing has some unique dimensions that can prove to be exceptional while expanding the base of your business. The thing that must be kept into the mind is the user experience must not be damaged in any of the ways. One can also try this approach in sales and marketing as well.

Engage the customers with storytelling

There is nothing a way better than storytelling to engage the clients in the business. Apart from this, branding campaigns can also be run with the users who have earned rewards from the business. A number of companies have started such campaigns and one such example is from Marriott.

Marriott loyalty points helped clients earn some exceptional vacations in luxury hotels wherein users were given a chance to tell their rewards stories to the newer clients. This helped the brand earn the loyalty for the business. It is one of the well proven techniques for brand recognition.

The bottom line

The trends in travel industry have truly gone innovative today. And, the approaches suits equally well to the app development companies. Right from personalizing the experience for the users to offering them a chance to earn loyalty points, app development firms have taken a huge leap of faith to satisfy the clients to the fullest. With the same reason, such companies have bloomed exceptionally well today.


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