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IT should look at architecture

It seems that careers in technology and architecture may have a lot more in common than we may initially think. Both involve long working hours and hard work. Both offer first class career development opportunities. And both are male dominated professions with females making up a low percentage of the workforce - many women do not return to either industry after having children.

The Royal Institute of British Architects, (RIBA) has recently introduced a new programme with London Metropolitan University to help women (and men) who have taken a break from their careers to return to the profession. The “return to practice” training is a week long course that focuses on the technical skill and confidence needed to get back into the workplace.

Women are not returning to the IT industry after having a family largely due to those two key factors – loss of confidence and falling behind on important developments – so perhaps the technology sector needs to take a leaf out of RIBA’s book. With some help and encouragement, a lot more women could be returning to their IT careers and we could see a very significant improvement in terms of the gender balance of the IT workforce.


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