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Forex Trader's Health: What is Your Body Telling You?

Take responsibility of your body and pay attention to its reactions from working as a forex trader. A forex trader’s health goes hand in hand with successful trades, high engagement and optimal performance. With a non-stop market, good health is one of the most valuable assets for a rewarding career in forex trading. By maintaining better physical and mental well-being, forex traders can consistently create a positive and productive work environment.


Why is healthy living important?

Health conditions of both body and mind can determine the profits of a long trading career. Over time, unpleasant muscle strains could cause mistakes on calculations or a crucial detail. To be physically fit in a sedentary job like forex trading, you need to maintain a workout routine or schedule walks outside. Poor mental health can also affect your attitude towards daily trading. Correct decision making, proper analyzing or successful executions are not possible when the mind is not in good shape. Make sure to learn about proper stress management and other relaxation practices.


What is your body telling you?

A forex trader’s health requires simple observation. Here are common health issues from forex trading and what your body could be trying to tell you:

You are experiencing weight gain.

Both mental and physical issues can cause weight gain when forex trading. Think about your recent diet, physical activity and the triggers that could have result in an appetite increase. When you are putting on weight, you are most likely taking more calories and not enough movement or physical activity to burn them. Common trading problems like stress or lack of sleep can also be culprits in a sudden weight gain. Also check for any new medication like steroids or antidepressants.

You deal with constant exhaustion.

Your body is letting you know that it is experiencing fatigue. Lifestyle factors and mental health contribute to how much fatigue you are handling. As a forex trader, strange hours and tense trades eventually take a toll on both body and mind. If you are constantly having migraines, muscle pain or lack of concentration, it means your body needs to re-energize. If you have accumulated stress or moodiness from trading, take some time off to relax.

You have trouble sleeping.

According to National Sleep Foundation, the causes of insomnia stem from psychological conditions, bad sleep habits or certain substances. When forex trading, lack of sleep is a sign too much activity during a time of rest. You might be thinking about market conditions or feeling overstimulated from the day. Other factors also include irregular hours of work, excessive caffeine or nicotine. Even watching television before bedtime also affects sleep.

You are always having negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts come from anxiety and trauma. When your are always going through bad feelings, it means that your mental health is weakening and needs uplifting. Emotional traumas from forex trading can sometimes have more impact than profitable trades. Although it is natural to think negatively, uninterrupted pessimism can be harmful for your mental well-being and your career.

You are craving more coffee.

When your body wants more caffeine, it is letting you know that your natural sources of energy are not enough. Once you hit your daily caffeine limit and you are still craving, it means that your body is looking for natural energy. You can get this from an energy boosting diet, proper sleep and daily exercise.


What to do next?

All body signals are meaningless if you don’t react and keep track of the progress. By paying attention to how your body is reacting to forex trading, you are ensuring better livelihood and good health out of the business. The next thing to do is to take action on any health issue you may have and monitor improvements.




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A Finextra member
A Finextra member 01 August, 2016, 14:50Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

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