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'FREE' - List of Blog Topics to last your fintech startup for 1 year

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As a fintech startup, do you struggle to find keep your blog alive? You're not alone! If I had to create a list of the questions around blogging that I get asked most of the time, the top questions would be

  • Why blog?
  • What to blog about?

If I had to answer “Why blog?” in the context of a startup, the answers can be very many. One, to generate business and create leads. Two, to create a brand! Three, to learn and stay updated with market / industry trends. Four, to engage / nurture your industry ecosystem by connecting with customers, partners, suppliers, analysts, solution providers, etc. in the social space. And lastly, to share your thought leadership views / voice / experiences / successes (and failures!).

The next question is “What to blog about?”. In this post, I’m listing blog post ideas for a startup which can last you for 1 year – if you publish at least 1 post a week. The key to blogging success is in consistency of publishing. To make it happen, focus, plan and a commitment to invest in your blog is most important. A healthy mix of different content formats is usually well received by audience– including blogs, pictures, infographics, video content, point-of-views, whitepapers, podcasts / audio content, etc. Also, blogging need not be about creating unique content every single time. Sometimes smart and intelligent content curation can be of significant value to your own company and your ecosystem.

In this post, I am sharing a list of blog topics that can last your startup for 1 year. So choose a topic from the list below, decide on the format, and publish away!

Week - Topic - Suggested Format)

1 - Why did your business / corporate start? What was the idea and how it came to be? (Blog)

2 - The founding team – Who they were and How they came to be? A fun or lesser known facts about the team. It always makes an interesting read if a reader knows a “personal / human” side to you. (Blog / Infographic)

3 - Why is your company blogging? What do you plan to share on your blog? (Blog)

4 - What exactly are your offerings (services / products)? - Blog

5 - The initial phase of the startup – Challenges and Lessons. What you learned from setting up your business? - Infographic

6 - A timeline which highlights key dates / milestones since inception - Infographic

7 - Recent innovations in your business / which affect your business - Blog

8 - What is unique about your offerings? - Blog

9 - What difference will your offering make to a customer? - Blog

10 - An industry timeline – Infographic (How the industry came to be?) - Infographic

11 - Less known facts about your business / industry – With interesting trivia, facts and figures (well researched and data accuracy is important) - Infographic

12 - Message from CEO on any topic he is passionate about - Video

13 - Industry survey / trends – What all the latest market surveys are saying – for your industry as a whole - Infographic

14  - Any current trending topic (technology / business / process) and your view on it -  Blog

15 - A success story for your business | Who was the client? What was the problem? How you solved it? - Blog

16 - A Must-Read round-up of interesting industry articles, news, views, opinions, perspectives – from your customer, partners, competitors | as an online curated resource which anyone can refer to - Blog 

17 - Interviews with Experts – What your industry experts are saying about the future? -  Infographic / Blog

18 - Lessons learned from a not-so-successful customer project | What was the problem? What did you learn? - Blog

19 - A Must-Read round-up of 8 – 10 interesting articles, news, views, opinions, perspectives – on life hacks, productivity, getting better at work, general inspiration | as an online curated resource which anyone can refer to - Blog

20 - Recent innovations in your business / which affect your business - Blog

21 - Choose any topic that is currently trending and get the 3 or more alternate views on the subject. for e.g.: if the topic you are currently interested in is around next generation analytics solutions, write a post with the views of a customer, technology provider, product vendor and analyst. Just bringing together voice from different perspectives can make a truly unique and compelling read - Infographic / Blog

22 - 10 reasons why anyone should join your company - Blog

23 - A post on Marketing – Its relevance and importance for your business - Blog

24 - View on “The Next Big Thing that can change the world” - Blog

25 - A post on Social Media – Its relevance and importance for your business - Blog

26 - Any current trending topic (technology / business / process) and your view on it - Blog

27 - A success story for your business | Who was the client? What was the problem? How you solved it? - Blog

28 -A Must-Read round-up of interesting industry articles, news, views, opinions, perspectives – from your customer, partners, competitors | as an online curated resource which anyone can refer to - Blog

29 - A post on Analytics – Its relevance and importance for your business - Blog

30 - Interviews with Experts – What industry experts are saying about the future of your industry? - Blog

31 - A Must-Read round-up of 8 – 10 interesting articles, news, views, opinions, perspectives – on life hacks, productivity, getting better at work, general inspiration | as an online curated resource which anyone can refer to - Blog

32 - A post on Digital – Its relevance and importance for your business - Blog

33 - Recent innovations in your business / which affect your business - Blog

34 - A post on Cloud technologies – Its relevance and importance for your business - Blog

35 - 10 Must-Read books – for your business / industry, and Why? - Blog

36 - Lessons learned from a not-so-successful customer project | What was the problem? What did you learn? - Blog

37 - A post on changing roles of Leadership - Blog

38 - Any current trending topic (technology / business / process) and your view on it - Blog

39 - A success story for your business | Who was the client? What was the problem? How you solved it? -  Blog

40 - A Must-Read round-up of interesting industry articles, news, views, opinions, perspectives – from your customer, partners, competitors | as an online curated resource which anyone can refer to - Blog

41 - Interviews with Experts – What your industry experts are saying about the future? -   Blog

42 - A note of CSR initiatives (Corporate Social Responsibility) and what your company is doing towards specific causes - Blog

43 - A post on Innovation – Its relevance and importance for your business - Blog

44 - A Must-Read round-up of 8 – 10 interesting articles, news, views, opinions, perspectives – on life hacks, productivity, getting better at work, general inspiration | as an online curated resource which anyone can refer to - Blog

45 - Open Letter to anyone joining your company - Blog

46 - Recent innovations in your business / which affect your business - Blog

47 - 5 – 10 Blogs you suggest anyone to follow to stay updated / relevant in your business / industry - Blog

48 - Choose any topic that is currently trending and get the 3 or more alternate views on the subject. for e.g.: if the topic you are currently interested in is around next generation analytics solutions, write a post with the views of a customer, technology provider, product vendor and analyst. Just bringing together voice from different perspectives can make a truly unique and compelling read - Blog

49 - A Must-Read round-up of interesting industry articles, news, views, opinions, perspectives – from your customer, partners, competitors | as an online curated resource which anyone can refer to - Blog

50 - Any current trending topic (technology / business / process) and your view on it - Blog

51 - 10 – 20 Twitter thinkers / influencers you recommend others to follow and Why? - Blog

52 - Round-up on the Highlights of the year gone by - Blog


Above is an indicative list and guideline to help your startup outline the blogging strategy, plan and editorial calendar. I hope you find it useful. Is there anything else in specific that you think startups should write about? Leave a comment to let the community know!

Note: “The opinions expressed in the blog are my personal views only.”

A version of this post appeared here



This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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