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Branch transformation and digital banking for the customer 3.0

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If you are in brick-and-mortar banking you probably want to transform your bank branches into a branch of the future.
You need to accelerate the transformation but do not forget thinking at the well known fact that customer satisfaction is what
matters most.

When reconfiguring the retail offering keep in mind to obtain regulatory compliance.
To modernise branches will help to secure the future by applying a new spirit of banking with the help of technology transformation satisfying
the client-centric culture of the hyper-connected 24-7 social network listening customer 3.0 who is living the digital-focused culture.

Your employees need to become Social Media Brand Ambassadors improving the customers omnichannel experience to increase
loyalty as positive consumer testimonials are of paramount importance during a digital transformation towards
total virtual banking.

Human interaction with digital banking paired with easy accessibility in a teller-less, omni-channel approach powered by the universal
banker is best practice to show your market understanding in supporting increased consumer autonomy being embedded in customer journey.

Customers Drive Branch Transformation and one will have turn towards rethinking of a financial institution's
branch balancing - the trend which is still in flux.

The new spirit of banking with an app-focused front end to enable self-service migration by applying digital
technology to create superior full-turnkey solutions needs the help of Big Data hosted in the cloud to leverage data
for data analytics on the digital journey when stimulating branch strategy.
Branches will not be pure digital players in the new banking paradigm.

Solution-driven approach when rebooting the branch in a tech-savvy culture with a tech-savvy demanding consumer needs
an enterprise-wide blueprint ensuring compliance to apply smart banking offering increased wallet share for full customer convenience.

Migrate teller transactions to the self-service channel has to be in the customer journey focus by providing self-service kiosk
solutions to boost efficiency of the self service channel keeping an eye on hassle free operations in streamline processes.

Digital penetration is part of the "click to call" retail banking to obtain sales effectiveness in a world of margin pressures.
Retooling the IT to find workforce optimisation in an environment of safety & security during the digital channel shift including
the Internet of Things into the seamless cross-channel of DIY banking needs big data analytics plus cultural onboarding of the customer
supported by the relationship manager to gain emotional experience (EX).

The consumer of tomorrow is searching for the key differentiator when going digital in virtual banking by exploring web portals to
satisfy his social banking expectations in the new world of Bricks+Clicks.

The customer purchase journey can be smoothened by service-oriented delivery, needs-based sales applying a new go-to source using
one-tap digital banking in an open eco-system. Collecting consumer attributes and online footprints to optimise operating agility when using selective
outsourcing for multi-channel sales supported by remote tellers integrating virtual ATMs.

Brand Storytelling needs a Branch Sweet Spot to create optimal user experience (UX) supported by virtual face-to-face interaction.
This can even be done in pop-up branches with a no-teller digital division as part of the integrated strategy to provide a quick response to the customer.

Digital certified biometric technologies are welcomed by the Gen Y Guy as part of his digital image of the digital transformation when creating
a digital foundation because he is open for digital value propositions.

Digital signage is part of the branch banking transformation supporting the brand idea in the brand orientation process.

The digital revolution will also have an impact on your core banking when implementing the virtual interaction when breaking the old
consumer paradigms.


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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