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Gender pay gap rages on

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Here we are again! Now another survey – this one from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - tells us that women around the world are being paid 16% less than their male counterparts. This is not exactly new news, but is still quite shocking when you consider all the legislation in place to prevent this and the 21st century attitudes towards equality that the business world is supposed to have.

However, all is not lost - the report also said that international competition due to globalisation is helping to narrow the gap (albeit only because of downward pressure on men’s salaries.) Women need to be empowered to enable them to fight for higher salaries, deal with these political issues and stand equal to men. aims to do this by promoting the role and contribution of women in the technology sector and holding events that enable women to further their careers and succeed as a professional. There’s still a long way to go but we’re definitely making progress!


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