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Customer inclusion to make Transformation successful

A recent article on Finextra, on Barclays Code Playground inspired me to write my thoughts on this creative and relevant concept, introduced by a bank that obviously understands how important it is to take the customer along with the technology advancements, to create maximum impact. This article does not look at Code Playground, but touches upon another initiative of Barclays – the Digital Driving License

So here I go…

The world has changed. And, so have Banks. Though the traditional model of the Bank exists, there is stupendous change for many, in the way they interact with the Bank and vice versa.

We are all aware of the efforts and big bucks being spent on the change that Banks are initiating due to the changing technology and a new generation that is demanding and driving this change.  And, the term used is “Transformation.”  We have been swamped by it. The Omni present buzz word has engulfed the Banking industry, and everyone is on the ride.

But, will Transformation really kick off and be truly successful? Along with the Millennial who is driving this change, there is a generation X, and the one prior, who are used to their comfort zone. They are still into the brick and mortar banking, with limited or no access to online banking. This generation finds it difficult to join the internet of things club. And, for them, Banks may still have to maintain the old way of Banking, or just leave a cash rich generation out of their radar.

So what do banks do to decrease the digital divide? How do they ensure that the maximum number of customers adapts, and go along with their transformation programme, by using online channels and mobile banking for their daily financial needs?  Well, they borrow a leaf from Barclays, which has introduced a digital driving license. This is an online training tool, designed to add skills to people (customers and non-customers of Barclays) to obtain digital awareness and finesse (read details of this initiative by clicking on

Championed by the Digital Eagles, a 7000 strong, in-branch, technology savvy staff, the initiative is to help customers get acquainted, and be comfortable with, internet and mobile banking apps, and extend their use to conduct their banking needs, without going to a physical branch.


An innovative way to include both Gen X and Gen Y into going digital. And, ensuring the success of their transformation initiative, by moving as many customers as possible, to the web and mobile apps. Barclays has truly taken transformation to the next level, and started a new trend which will help Banks, Financial Institutions and others to commence on a similar inclusion journey.


This just shows that to truly transform, is not that easy. Apart from investing in Digitization and Simplification, Banks have to understand their customers - demographics, profile and needs, and help the customer to move to a different banking world. Many more initiatives like Digital Driving License need to be introduced and championed, to maximize customer inclusion, and ease their journey to the Bank of the Future. Once this is achieved, the Banking world would have transformed!


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