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2015 exchanges regulate !!!!!!!!

2015 Exchanges attempt to end disruptive trading Multiple exchanges after a decade of denial are now addressing illegal manipulative trading on their markets !These disruptive practices ; "spoofing ; flipping ; crossing ;washing and layering " have been brushed under the supervisors carpet since 2004 . Certain STIR contracts daily have had to witness blatant flipping and yet the market supervision dept has failed to react .Recently we had to add a chapter in our training module in how to deal with a spoofer / flipper when trading .

These disruptive trading pratices have been reported hundreds of times to exchanges MSD ; however their shouts have been ignored and denied . The FSA /FCA even opened an investigation between 2007/2013 and they concluded there was zero evidence of any disruptive trading ; sadly I doubt they even looked at a trading ladder ?

Hopefully 2015 will finally bring some real time regulation as this will show abusive traders entering and leaving our market place ; sadly this will affect volume as most abusive traders size has grown along with their profits .

Exchanges getting tough in 2015 is a positive step and they have the tools in their possession BUT a quick question "where have you been the last decade as its been blatant ? 


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