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2023 (1)
Troy Haines

Troy Haines

Sr. VP of Risk Research & Quantitative Solutions at SAS
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Bio Troy Haines is Senior Vice President and Head of the Risk Research and Quantitative Solutions Division at SAS, where he is responsible for strategic direction, applied research, product management, and delivery of financial risk management and insurance initiatives worldwide. His areas of expertise include retail credit risk modeling and analytics, life-of-loan loss modeling on residential mortgage assets, financial stress testing, and credit portfolio management. Career History Prior to joining SAS, Haines was Senior Vice President and Head of Mortgage Banking Risk Modeling and Analytics at JPMorgan Chase. He has also held senior level positions at Washington Mutual Bank, General Motors Acceptance Corporation, and American Management Systems. He studied economics at both New York University and the New School for Social Research, where he earned a PhD.



Risk and Resiliency: 5 Risk Management Predictions for 2023

27 Jan 2023

As we hit full speed with our plans for the coming year, it’s only natural to consider what the months ahead will bring. Yet, in the risk management realm at least, this annual look forward feels somehow different. There’s an unspoken gravitas to the exercise as we survey the dominant trends coloring the global economic picture: high inflation, ri...