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2023 (5)
Lisa Scott

Lisa Scott

CEO at Banked Europe
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Bio Lisa oversees Banked's operations in the UK and throughout Europe, with a focus on improving the payments experience for customers and merchants across the continent. Lisa has built a productive and supportive team, working with clients to bring about the promises of open banking in payments. Career History Lisa has extensive experience in finance across industries, having held positions at Lloyds, Paypal and British Airways. In her current role, Lisa spearheads Banked's operations in Europe and is continuing their impressive commercial growth.


Open Banking

Lack of Momentum - Why is E-commerce Falling Behind in Open Banking Adoption?

04 Dec 2023

Open banking infrastructure is a game changer for merchants, banks and consumers alike, significantly reducing costs, driving higher payment conversion, providing more security and providing instant settlement. At first glance, adoption of the new tech is strong, with the Open Banking Limited institute recording a 68.2% annual increase in usage t...


Open Banking

Open banking regulators set out the next steps, but which market will come out on top?

09 Aug 2023

In every corner of the world, financial regulators are taking steps to advance open banking, with fresh regulations and frameworks recently announced in the EU, UK, US, and Australia. However, each regulator is taking a different approach, tackling region-specific issues to advance payments infrastructure and improve the consumer experience. Whils...

Digital Bank Transformation

How Fintechs can Partner with Banks - Challenges and Opportunities

10 Jul 2023

Most fintechs want to partner with banks - but it’s easier said than done. While banks are more open than ever to collaborating with outside parties, fintechs struggle to comply with stringent standards and outdated onboarding processes. Why banks partner with fintechs Banks are in constant competition with one another, working with the same regul...


Open Banking

Accelerating Mass Adoption: Strategies for the Future of Finance

09 May 2023

The pandemic has acted as a catalyst in the widespread adoption of digital payments, propelling contactless payments to the forefront of this transformation. According to a recent report from Juniper Research, the total number of unique contactless mobile payment users will reach 1 billion globally by 2024, rising from 782 million in 2022, represe...