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2021 (6)
Ame Stuart

Ame Stuart

VP, Digital Banking and Transformation at Capgemini
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Bio Responsible for supporting retail banking, cards and payments organisations in driving value-based business & digital technology transformation. Development of digital strategy across finanical services, driving digital customer attraction, customer engagement strategies, NPS management and value creation. Working with a number of established partners and fintechs across the banking industry to drive end-to-end transformation. - Understanding the role of digital capabilities in driving new revenue streams enabled through a strategic API framework - Driving the Robotic Process Automation, NLG/NLP and AI agenda for creating operational excellence - Deciphering emerging technologies to understand how innovation can be applied to achieve specific business outcomes, as well as driving new ways of working



What banks can learn from platforms like Clubhouse (CH)

13 May 2021

The pandemic has fuelled the gig economy in ways we have not seen or experienced before. As individuals think about career prospects, the ending of furlough, and the natural downsizing agenda that firms follow when the climate becomes challenging, personal income diversification becomes front of mind. According to the FSB … "at the start o...


Flexible to Invisible: The future of credit and debit cards

30 Apr 2021

There are over 163 million payment cards in circulation in the UK, including credit, debit and commercial cards (b2b). These payment instruments are the main staple for banks, as everyday usage drives volume-based income for these institutions. Cards is also a significant growth market for financial services providers, as transaction volumes cont...



Has COVID made us think about Core Banking Transformation differently?

07 Apr 2021

This week I will be interviewing Carlos Salta, the Global Head of Banking and Diversified Finance for Capgemini, to discuss how core banking transformation is being reimagined in light of COVID, and the broader impacts of the pandemic. Carlos has worked with a significant number of tier 1 banks and financial services providers across the globe. H...


5 reasons why fintechs are important for the UK economy

19 Mar 2021

The UK is a very natural home for fintechs, because it has held the position of a global, and entrepreneurial finance powerhouse for several decades. According to Innovate Finance the UK is still very much front and centre of mind when it comes to attracting fintech VC money, with $4.1 billion in investments coming into play in 2020. The UK also f...