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2022 (1)
Nataliya Zheleznova

Nataliya Zheleznova

Business Development Director at TEAM International
Message Message me Posts: 1 Comments: 0
Bio I Initiate and manage relationships with small, mid-size and large organizations for different type of arrangements, from short-term projects to multiyear-extended-teams relationships. I've witnessed and participated in both good and bad offshore/nearshore set ups - applying my experience to yet new client relationships helps avoid a lot of mistakes.



Financial and Banking Predictions for 2022: Top 3 Tech Trends

12 Jan 2022

It is no surprise that the pandemic has pushed business owners to accelerate their digital transformation journeys. Digitalization seemed obvious and inevitable with all the lockdowns, restrictions, and hybrid work models enforced globally. And overall, the banking, financial services, and insurance industry (BFSI) did a pretty good job, swiftly