11 July 2024

Company profile for TrustQuay

TrustQuay logo
Fleet House, 3 Fleetwood Park, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2QJ, United Kingdom
Telephone: + 44 1252 772300
Telephone: + 1 212 792 4251

Company information

Microgen is a leading provider of software, services and solutions. Founded in 1974 and listed on the LSE (MCGN) since 1983, Microgen is UK based with offices in The Channel Islands, North America, and South Africa and delivers it's software, services and solutions to customers in all six continents. The Group has 250 full-time employees with a global pool of over 100 technical consultants and over 110 dedicated product engineers. There is an established operation in Wroclaw, Poland which developed the latest generation of the Business Process Platform: Microgen Aptitude which was released in early 2007.

The Group has two operating businesses Microgen Aptitude Solutions (Microgen Accounting Hub, Sub-ledger, Royalty and Contract Management and Independent Valuation and Risk which are built on the market leading, high performance Business Process Platform: Microgen Aptitude) and Microgen Financial Systems (Wealth Management, Asset Management, Banking Products, and Energy & Application Management). Microgen is focused on the delivery of enterprise class solutions and products that address today's business needs rapidly and effectively. The Group's portfolio of proven products and solutions enables the intelligent application of technology in a range of sectors including financial services, energy, asset & wealth management, commercial, transport & logistics and the public sectors.

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