17 September 2024

Company profile for Allevo

Allevo logo
030245 Bucuresti 3, 23 Coltei Str, Bucuresti, Romania
Telephone: +40212554579

Company information

Allevo is a company that provides software solutions that help financial institutions of all sizes reduce the total cost of ownership and achieve end-to-end interoperability across the financial supply chain. This is possible through FinTP, a complete open source application that processes transactions, automates flows and offers compliance to regulatory and industry standards. FinTP and all ancillary documentation is distributed freely and openly through the FINkers United community.

Allevo solutions are tailored for banks, transaction banks, corporations, state treasuries and public administrations, microfinance institutions and market infrastructures and are designed around FinTP.

The Allevo guaranteed distribution of FinTP is aimed to grow competitiveness and offer operational risk containment, making such systems affordable to SMEs as well.

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