01 September 2024

Company profile for Sapient

Sapient logo
131 Dartmouth Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02116, United States
Telephone: (617) 621 - 0200

Company information

Sapient Global Markets, a division of Sapient® (NASDAQ: SAPE), is a leading provider of services to today's evolving financial and commodity markets. We provide a full range of capabilities to help our clients grow and enhance their businesses, create robust and transparent infrastructure, manage operating costs, and foster innovation throughout their organizations.

We offer services across Advisory, Analytics, Technology, and Process, as well as unique methodologies in program management, technology development, and process outsourcing. Sapient Global Markets operates in key financial and commodity centers worldwide, including Boston, Chicago, Houston, New York, Calgary, Toronto, London, Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, Geneva, Munich, Zurich, and Singapore, as well as in large technology development and operations outsourcing centers in Bangalore, Delhi, and Noida, India. For more information, visit www.sapientglobalmarkets.com.

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