28 March 2025

Company profile for SunGard Adaptiv

SunGard Adaptiv logo
25 Canada Square, London, E14 5LQ, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 8081 2000
Telephone: + 1 212 745 9400
Asia Pacific
Telephone: +65 6227 6400

Company information

In today's highly competitive and challenging financial services environment, SunGard's Adaptiv helps provide your firm with enterprise-wide risk management and operations solutions. Regardless of the size or complexity of your organization, Adaptiv can help you to meet both internal and regulatory requirements for risk management and operational control. Whether you specialize in banking, hedge funds, asset management, insurance, or corporate investing, Adaptiv's modular approach to solving business requirements will help you meet current and future needs in a responsive fashion.

Products and services

Adaptiv Analytics Adaptiv Analytics provides a framework for distributing complex portfolio-level risk calculations across a grid of servers thus allowing a bank to meet stringent business timing requirements. By utilising modern technologies the solution supports extensibility in trade and portfolio models along with scalability of hardware to meet increasing volumes. » More about: Adaptiv Analytics Adaptiv 360 Adaptiv 360 provides pricing and trade capture across multiple asset classes. It has a robust middle office risk engine that calculates metrics consistently and provides comprehensive, audited life cycle processing. The back office functionality is customizable, extensible, and has fully integrated accounting, settlements and documentation modules. These processes are all performed on a common platform using a single trade representation. » More about: Adaptiv 360 Adaptiv Collateral SunGard's Adaptiv Collateral helps institutions mitigate credit risk by evaluating credit exposure with their counterparties, and enabling them to call or post collateral to cover this exposure. Adaptiv Collateral collects and measures counterparty credit exposures to determine collateral requirements. It guides the collateral practitioner through the satisfaction of all collateral movement requirements, records new collateralised positions, and supports notification of position information to other areas of the organisation. » More about: Adaptiv Collateral Adaptiv Credit Risk Adaptiv Credit Risk measures, manages and controls counterparty credit exposure in real-time, cross-asset and globally. The system supports a global limits regime which releases great operational efficiencies for the bank. Process automation further improves user productivity. » More about: Adaptiv Credit Risk Adaptiv Operations Adaptiv Operations builds on SunGard's strength and wealth of experience in the operations area, providing back office modules that offer organizations an unprecedented level of proactive operations management and process control from the front through to the back office. Adaptiv Operations provides consistency in processing, data management, control and compliance to user-defined and market standards. » More about: Adaptiv Operations
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White papers

Preparing for the worst
(5983 views) 0
The risk roundtable
(5871 views) 0
The new risk management
(5160 views) 0

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