24 July 2024

Company profile for Clear2Pay

Clear2Pay logo
Clear2Pay n.v., De Kleetlaan 6A, 1831 Diegem, (Brussels), Belgium
Telephone: +32 2 402 52 00

Company information

Clear2Pay is a payments modernisation company that actively supports many global financial institutions to meet their payments unification goals through its pure SOA Open Payment Framework (OPF). Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, the company facilitates banks and financial organisations in their provision of payments services, whether they be Card, ACH, Branch, Bulk, High Care or International payment transactions. Clear2Pay's innovative technology helps to reduce transactions processing costs, and to deliver new, compelling payment services in a competitive way. Functions embrace payments origination, reporting, linkage with back-office processing systems, clearing, netting and settlement. In addition the company offers a range of value added payment technology solutions and services such as e-Banking, Open Test Solutions, ChargeBack, Strategic Consultancy and Payments Training through a dedicated Academy.

Clients include global and major regional financial institutions such as ING, Banco Santander, Crédit Agricole, BNP Paribas, The Federal Reserve, RBS, Commerzbank, The People’s Bank of China (PBOC), Bank of East Asia, Rabobank, Bank of New York Mellon and Commonwealth Bank.

Clear2Pay operates out of Belgium (HQ) and another 22 offices in 14 countries. The company currently employs over 1200 staff. The company was awarded the XCelent Customer Base 2010 award for its undisputed largest payment hub customer base, both live and under implementation and ranks 76th in the Global FinTech100 list. For more information, please visit our website.

Products and services

Open Payment Framework
  • International Payments
  • Domestic Payments
  • RTGS, Fedwire, etc.
  • e-Banking
Corporate Payment Hub
  • End to end multi-bank multi-currency corporate payment hub
  • Virtual Vault Account System - to be deployed in a variety of models from bank friendly virtual vault to digital account infrastructure
Value Add Solutions
  • Dispute Management
  • Consumer Remittance
  • Imaged Check Processing
  • Tax Data Services
  • EBPP
  • Business Activity Monitoring
  • Payments
  • Mobile
  • Transport
  • Management and Business (Payments) Consultancy
  • Clear2Pay Academy
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The chargeback challenge
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