Company information
IRIS integrated risk management ag is a leading provider of system solutions for risk and profitability management.
The company was founded in 1992 by Dr. Willi Brammertz and Dr. Jürg B. Winter in Zurich. Their vision was to develop a modular integrated financial analysis infrastructure based on a single contract data mode and calculation engine for financial institutions. This resulted in the development of the riskpro analysis infrastructure.
Riskpro is currently being used or implemented by over 200 financial organizations in 15 countries using approximately 700 modules of the analysis infrastructure. They range from small banks to very large organizations and processing centers.
Since 2001 IRIS cooperates in the areas of selling, implementation and local support with established third parties. Among them are Accenture, Atos Origin, Bazy i Systemy Bankowe (Poland), d-fine, Ernst & Young, Intracom S.A., NCR Teradata Financial Services, TATA Consultancy Services.