05 July 2024

Company profile for Experian Payments

Experian Payments logo
Swift Park, Old Leicester Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1DZ, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1788 554800
Notes: Acquired by Experian in June 2006

Company information

Market leading payment solutions in data validation and payment processing

Experian Payments develops strategic payments software and services to enable the world's leading banks and corporate organisations to improve their payments processes and manage risk with greater control and confidence.

Our customers include many of Europe's clearing banks, insurance companies, utilities companies and telecommunication providers. We also provide solutions to a large number of UK building societies, charities, local authorities and central government departments.

Experian Payments works with a variety of partners, from global systems integrators and major banks, to niche independent software providers. Together, we offer first class service and software solutions to many of Europe's largest and most innovative users of strategic payment solutions.

Experian Payments (formerly Eiger Systems) is a division of Experian plc, a global leader in providing information, analytical tools and marketing services to organisations and consumers to help manage the risk and reward of commercial and financial decisions.

Products and services

Experian Payments supports customers with complex or mission- critical payment processes and their solutions are regarded as the most advanced within their market sectors.

We are unique in having a dedicated Data Team that continually identifies changes to bank data to ensure that our validation products use the most accurate information available.

Bank Wizard
Bank Wizard is our unique bank account validation software which helps improve Straight-Through-Processing of UK and international payments by reducing errors in your data up-front to minimise the number of rejected payments and the associated costs.

Bank Wizard has over 80% coverage of worldwide SWIFT payments, including the whole of Europe. It has been implemented by some of the largest users of automated payment solutions.

More about Bank Wizard
Data Conversion Service Data Conversion Service helps you comply with the latest SEPA legislation by validating your legacy payments data and converting it to the required BIC and IBAN format. Using the latest payments data from over 28 different sources, we can help you keep your data up-to-date across all 31 SEPA countries, improving your Straight-Through-Processing, reducing the costs associated with failed payments and enabling you to benefit from lower cost European cross-borer payments. » More about: Data Conversion Service Bank Wizard Absolute Fraud and errors within Direct Debit and Direct Credit transactions impact on your profitability and expose your business to risk. Bank Wizard Absolute sets a new standard for UK bank account validation by making the connection between an individual and their bank account details up-front. This enables you to significantly improve efficiency and profitability by virtually eliminating transaction failures and minimising payment fraud. » More about: Bank Wizard Absolute Experian Payments Gateway By allowing you to make and receive payments directly via Bacstel-IP, the new UK Faster Payments Service and SWIFT for international transactions, Experian Payments Gateway can help you reduce the cost of your Direct Credits and Direct Debits improving your payments processes and allowing you to manage your working capital more efficiently. » More about: Experian Payments Gateway
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