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Navindar Sarao returns to court on thursday 4th February accused of triggering the May 6th 2010 flash crash . 

if you have time to look at above and perhaps you will realize that it was impossible for him to be guilty during this event . There were hardly any orders on the way down in the s&p's or later on the way up ; in fact any order added to liquidity and assisted the market . The chocolate tea pot regulators in USA accuse him of causing the DOW JONES  to plummet 1000 points and wipe $1Trillion off market value  !  He is also charged with using an automated trading programme to "spoof" markets via large sell orders and then canceling them and buying lower ; there is zero evidence listening to above tape . The hound of Hounslow was noted for being a bear trader  and his profit of $900000 in s&p that day is far far too short had he abused the market place ....It should read $9 million + . 

Recently the regulators have become totally consumed with market abuse ; flipping ; crossing , washing ; layering , spoofing banging etc and have avoided the real time issues affecting the market place . This current market is over balanced with HFT and ATS as their 85% share cannot be saturated by the markets and therefore producing vast volatility especially in fast markets ; however the exchanges and regulators were made very aware of this issue yet chose to ignore the blatant warnings !

The interesting point in this court case i believe will be the COMMODITY EXCHANGE ACT RULE 180.1 ...where every order placed has to have the intent to be filled .     This is almost impossible to prove as futures traders can be both long and short , buyers and sellers ; bullish and bearish in the same minute ; Navindar Sarao probably had some losing trades on May 6th  ; interesting for the jury to navigate guilt ? Recently VIRTU FINANCIAL ; an HFT company ; announced that it had one ; just 1 ; losing trading day in 6 years ; thats 2190 days ; I think  I know who is abusing  the market !

May 6th 2010 was almost   6 years ago yet we are still at pre court hearings WHY ?      The burglars / thieves who stole £90m of jewels at Hatton Garden  last year have been both caught and sentenced  !  If the evidence is that clear the Hound of Hounslow should of  been stopped  fined suspended and removed from the market by June 2010 . These delays do nothing to restore or provide  "fair and orderly markets " .

Finally i fear for our regulators teeth as if Navindar Sarao is found not guilty  added to the "libor 6 yen traders "  their respect has withered and perhaps again they may need a change of name  .  Perhaps its just NOT WHAT YOU KNOW BUT WHO ?  



Comments: (1)

Neil Crammond
Neil Crammond - DIVENTO FINANCIALS - London 04 February, 2016, 11:19Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes  

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