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2023 (1)
Lloyd Buxton

Lloyd Buxton

Financial Services Sector Lead, UK&I at Cyara
Posts: 1 Comments: 0
Bio As FS Sector Lead for the UKI at Cyara, I enjoy supporting organisations to deliver CX Assurance programmes through the automation of mapping, testing, training, and monitoring of CX journeys. Career History I started my career working on affordability and credit checking solutions for UK Financial Services organisations. Over the last thirteen years, I have been immersed in the world of Customer Experience, delivering back-end and front-end solutions to improve automation and personalisation, reducing the cost and increasing the speed of CX deliverables.



The broad church of banking - assuring the CX journey for all

17 Mar 2023

Financial services organisations are increasingly prioritising digital-first journeys to meet their customers’ expectations of a fast and convenient online experience. In this shift toward digitalisation, organisations are rapidly embracing self-service tools, like chatbots, that promise to deliver a convenient customer journey. But one negative c...