International Protector Group licenses Lynx Trust Administrator

Source: Lynx Wealth Management Systems

Lynx Wealth Management Systems, the leading supplier of wealth management systems to the financial services industry, is pleased to announce that Andrew Law, Managing Director of International Protector Group, has chosen 4Series Trust Administrator as its software system of choice for the new organisation.

Commenting on the contract, Andrew said: "This agreement cements an already long-standing and successful relationship between myself and Lynx. Having worked with 4Series extensively whilst I was at Credit Suisse means that I am fully familiar with the benefits the systems offers not just ourselves but more importantly our clients. Aspects of the system such as Task Manager enable regular and consistent client communication which is so important in terms of customer service."

Continued Andrew: "When I formed International Protector Group, I was already an ardent fan of 4Series and Lynx based on the functionality the system offers as well as the company's impressive implementation and support track record. The decision to buy was therefore an easy one."

Commenting on this new development John Mosedale, managing director of Lynx Wealth Management Systems, said: "I am delighted that Andrew has chosen Lynx. It is an obvious endorsement not only of our 4Series product but also our company. A fundamental part of our corporate strategy is to forge effective working relationships with our clients. With the recent formation of International Protector Group, I believe this is the start of just such a successful partnership. This contract adds to the growing number of 4Series clients in the Caribbean and reflects our continued investment and focus on this region."

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