Earthport launches payment service for IBM Global Expense Reporting offering

Source: Earthport

Earthport, the global payments utility is pleased to announce the launch of an innovative global payments service for IBM's Global Expense Reporting Solution (GERS) offering.

The new global payments service, utilising Earthport's technology and Universal Payments Network, will extend the existing IBM GERS solution to include the final settlement of employees individual expense reports. It will be marketed to new and existing IBM GERS clients.

IBM's Global Expense Reporting Solution is part of IBM Managed Business Process Services (MBPS), a unit that automates and standardizes core business processes for clients in areas such as human resources, accounting, mortgage origination and expense reporting. IBM GERS is deployed in over 60 countries and processes more than 20 million expense reports annually. Clients using IBM GERS can increase the process efficiency and cost effectiveness of their overall expense management.

"IBM's relationship with Earthport will help broaden our overall GERS marketing and sales efforts," said Raymond Curatolo, director of GERS for IBM MBPS. "Earthport's status as a proven innovator and its global presence provides a strong foundation for IBM as we continue to develop new options for our expense report services clients."

Raymond Curatolo from IBM and Jonathan Lear, Earthport USA's Senior Vice President, will speak about the Earthport-IBM offering at the annual GERS Conference in Connecticut on 16th September 2009.

Jonathan Lear, Senior Vice President of Earthport USA, commented: "I am excited to finally be able to talk about this key milestone achievement for the Company. We are enthusiastic about IBM's wish to use Earthport to deliver worldwide expense payment for itself and its client base. We look forward to updating the market shortly regarding the provisioning of major global corporations using the combined Earthport-IBM solution."

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