Risk Waters Group seeks information on WTC conference delegates

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Risk Waters Group seeks information on WTC conference delegates


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RE: Risk Waters Group’s Financial Technology Congress - ‘Windows on the World’, 106th Floor, North Tower, World Trade Center, Tuesday 11th – Wednesday 12th September 2001
London: 13th September 2001: On the morning of Tuesday 11th September UK-based Risk Waters Group was hosting a Financial Technology Congress at ‘Windows on the World’ on the 106th floor of the North Tower at the World Trade Center in New York. The conference opened at 8.30 a.m.
To date the company has been unable to contact anyone who attended the congress. We have 221 people on our list of registered delegates, speakers & sponsors. In addition, 16 Risk Waters Group employees were due at the event, making a total planned attendance of 237.
Based on advance registration lists & research conducted by the company since the tragedy we have reason to believe that:
· 47 delegates and all 16 of our staff attended the Congress. They are currently unaccounted for.
· 100 delegates have been confirmed by their companies as not having arrived at the time of the tragedy and are safe.
· For the remaining 74 delegates we are still seeking further information.
As this was a New York event, the vast majority of our delegates were based in the USA but we cannot determine their nationality. There were a few registered delegates from the UK & Japan.
Risk Waters Group staff members attended from both our London & New York offices. 10 are British, 5 are American and 1 is Australian.
Peter Field, Chief Executive of the Risk Waters Group said today: “We continue to make round the clock efforts to contact staff, delegates, speakers and sponsors who were scheduled to attend this congress. In spite of this we have heard nothing from anyone who was in ‘Windows on the World’ at the time of the attack.
Given the level of uncertainty on the ground about the situation we have not given up hope of finding our friends and colleagues safe & well. We would again urge anyone who is either concerned, or has information about someone who might have been attending the Congress, to contact our emergency help line number in the UK (manned 24 hrs. a day).”
Emergency help line telephone number: 020 7484 9700
Any press enquiries should be addressed to:
Rory Brown, Marketing Director, Risk Waters Group Ltd.
Tel: 020 7484 9765 E-mail: rbrown@riskwaters.com

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