Intel to probe blockchain potential

Chip maker Intel is the latest tech giant to investigate the potential of blockchain technology, advertising for a cryptographic researcher to work on decentralised ledgers.

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Intel to probe blockchain potential


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The jury may remain out on the value of bitcoin as a currency, but the underlying blockchain technology has attracted interest from central banks, the financial services establishment and tech titans.

Last week Reuters reported that IBM has held informal discussions with a number of central banks about the creation of a blockchain-based digital cash and payment system for major currencies.

Chip giant Intel is also dipping its toes, advertising for a researcher to join its special innovation projects group to "investigate hardware and software capabilities that advance the performance, robustness, and scalability of open, decentralised ledgers".

In its ad blurb, Intel calls the blockchain bitcoin's "fundamental technical innovation" which "enables not just the exchange of bitcoins but many secondary uses that the research and startup community are exploring such as digital marketplaces".

The firm is inviting anyone with a PhD or Masters in computer science, computer engineering or related fields to apply for the role in Hillsboro, Oregon, where they will focus on "cutting-edge, cryptographic algorithms for improving the robustness and assurance of transaction verification within an open, decentralized ledger".

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