MasterCard brings MasterPass to Czech Republic

MasterCard®, the leader in smart, convenient and safe payments, is launching a new digital payment solution in the Czech market –MasterPass.

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This is a global digital payments platform that powers a network of digital wallets, enabling consumers to make fast and safe payments at online merchants, wherever MasterPass is accepted. Now, users can download or update the MasterCard Mobile wallet app in their mobile phone or tablet, save the details of their payment cards and mailing address once, and are then ready to pay for goods and services with a few clicks at all e-shops in the Czech Republic and abroad wherever they see “Buy with MasterPass”.

The MasterCard Mobile digital wallet is now connected to the global MasterPass acceptance network, making online shopping faster and easier. Existing or new MasterCard Mobile customers enter the details of the payment card and mailing address only once, with no need to register at each merchant. MasterPass is currently used by more than 40,000 merchants across the world. In the Czech Republic, the trailblazers have been, Czech Railways and, who promote the service by making special offers to customers.

“MasterPass is a service used by digital wallets providers and online merchants around the world. In the Czech Republic, customers have been given the opportunity to use MasterPass through the MasterCard Mobile app, a digital wallet already installed by tens of thousands of users. This innovation not only makes payments in e-shops at home and abroad fast, safe and simple, but in the future MasterCard Mobile users will also be able to enjoy new wallet features such as airtime top-up, wallet account management via a website, person-to-person payments and NFC payments,” says Miroslav Lukeš, General Manager at MasterCard Europe in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria.

MasterPass for merchants

MasterPass generates more turnovers for merchants because of the speed and simplicity of the check out, and is also very easy for merchants to use.

The “Buy with MasterPass” button can be:

- Incorporated directly into the e-shop’s shopping cart. In this case, implementation will take the merchant a few days. The MasterCard Mobile wallet is supported by ČSOB, Raiffeisenbank and UniCredit Bank, with other banks joining.

- Offered as another payment method on the GP webpay payment gateway operated by Global Payments Europe – one of MasterCard’s long-standing partners – without the merchant having to carry out any integration work.

MasterPass for banks

The banks themselves can create customised digital wallets in line with the specific requirements of their clients, and these can then be connected into the MasterPass acceptance network.

MasterPass rewards

The launch and use of the new MasterPass service is being promoted by a large-scale autumn campaign running from 1st November to 14th December this year, with a competition for a truly astounding prize: a music-themed trip to London for two. This prize will be awarded to the three customers who, in this period, make the largest number of transactions in e-shops and with, Czech Railways and DámeJí The four-day Universal Music trip will take the winners on a tour of the Universal Music studios in London, the theme-based London Rock Music Tour, and a visit to a concert and a musical. The prize includes air tickets and airport transfers, accommodation in a four-star hotel, including breakfast, and a welcome and farewell dinner with Universal Music representatives.

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