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Sibos 2010 - the ultimate Tweet-up

One criticism of the digital age is that 'living online' so-to-speak, takes away from real interactions with living, breathing human beings. Well, without being ironic, Twitter was the ultimate catalyst for 'meets & greets' at Sibos this year.

A whole slew of people I've never met, but knew on Twitter, came by and hung by the Finextra booth (I'd like to think it was my sparkling personality, but access to Wi-Fi and power points helped a bit as well ;-)

The impressively perky and prolific Tweeter, Erin McCune (@erinmccune) of Glenbrook Partners came by to hang with the Finextra crew after we both found ourselves across a crowded Innovation Keynotes session. I also met for the first time, face-to-face, Gareth Lodge (@Gareth_Lodge) formerly of the Tower Group, now with Secura Monde; Cloud goddess Jackie Talyor of FlyingBinary (@FlyingBinary); Jacob Jegher of Celent (@jjegher) and Tom Coombes (@TomC_Cognito), CEO of Cognito.

Of course, I also hung out with Twitter buddies I've met before and always enjoy a chat with - Brett King (@brettking); the whole SunGard crew (although I keep missing John Avery(@john_avery) sorry John!). Jonathan Williams (@jmlw1) of Experian Payments showed himself to be an excellent Tweeter during the sessions as well.

My Tweets also introduced me to a new person, Texan, Gary Thompson of CLOUD (Consortium for Local Ownership and Use of Data) (@CLOUDFinance) whom, if you're into digital identity and data standards, you will be hearing more from in the months ahead.

(If I missed anyone, I'm sorry, I'm still recovering!)

Aside from all the meets with 'real, air breathing people' Twitter also came into its own as a way for people not in Amsterdam last week to connect with Sibos and Sibos delegates. From retweets, to questions for our Social Media panel, to just snarky comments on various sessions and dancing, besuited party goers. (hey, give me a break, I'm a jounrno)

Twitter became a way to meet, interact, gain information and just conduct a good old fashioned chin-wag - it didn't lessen the need to be present at Sibos - it just enhanced the delegate's presence there. That isn't living in cyberspace, this is real life now. May more people get on Twitter for next year (and maybe Swift can sort out some decent event-wide Wi-Fi for Toronto ;-)


Comments: (2)

Salil Ravindran
Salil Ravindran - Open Financial Technologies - Bangalore 02 November, 2010, 10:53Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Indeed Liz. I for one have been on Twitter for a long time but never managed to put it to effective use until I joined the Social media for banks discussion and threw a few questions around to the panel.

I guess the way Twitter was used is in itself a proof in point for banks to learn the urgency of introducing better collaboration tools in our daily banking lives unless they want to sit back and watch these innovative intermediaries disintermediate them.

If you cant fight back, work with them.

Elizabeth Lumley
Blog group founder
Elizabeth Lumley - Girl, Disrupted - Crayford 02 November, 2010, 14:53Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

I forgot to mention I also met Sibos Tweeter extraordinaire - Andrew Carrier! (@AndrewCarrier)

Elizabeth Lumley
Blog group founder

Elizabeth Lumley

Global FinTech Commentator

Girl, Disrupted

Member since

05 Nov 2007



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