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Sonera showing the way in Finland


Charging for paper invoices has been a touchy subject in Finland even if:

- all experience shows that transparent pricing (producing "negative carrots..") is the only efficient way to make mass markets move fast

- consumers say that they will not change behaviour just for the convenience produced by semiautomatic payments ("if I would have to pay even ten cents I would not ask for paper")

- the national e-program has set and the Minister in charge of it (Minister for Communications - Mrs Suvi Linden) has been very outspoken:  2011 should be the "last" year for paper based consumer invoicing of any significance

- consumers start to understand that they pay all costs - it would be better if they were visible and entice them to save

- some consumer already choose service providers with this open and just pricing ("Why should I pay for expensive practises of others?"

- the often referred to succes story  in e-banking would not have happened as fast without charging more for bill payments in branches

- paper invoicing is openly charged for in other Nordic countries

Fortunately there are some progressive companies that show the way. Sonera was first and the leading one. The 1 € is working wonders - as can be seen:

The same is happening in b2b invoicing - there the charge is 5€ per paper invoice.


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

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