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Investing in commercial lending operations

To stay current in a competitive marketplace financial service providers need flexible workflow solutions that can be updated simply and that help the organisation improve its customer processes. As market and customer needs change they want something they can modify to remain relevant and competitive.

Talking to Finextra, Paul Rozelle, Managing Director of Private & Alternative Operations Services at financial services provider TIAA-CREF, discusses how it meets the investment and retirement needs of its 3.7 million customers.

TIAA-CREF had legacy technology they needed to update to serve the end-to-end needs of the commercial mortgage business. They recognised that they needed something workflow-enabled and configurable that would track processes for all aspects of the commercial mortgage investment life cycle, from deal pipeline through origination, closing, asset management and portfolio management.

Watch the video to find out more about how TIAA-CREF went about updating their operations and the achievements they expect to see as a result.


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