McDonald's rolls out remote mobile order and payment system across France

Fast food chain McDonald's is to extend a mobile ordering and PayPal payment app programme across its French network following a successful trial at 80 establishments.

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McDonald's rolls out remote mobile order and payment system across France


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Using the app, consumers can place an order remotely and pick up their purchase at a dedicated counter, skipping the line in the main food hall and reducing waiting time.

The app shows real-time product availability at the chosen store and passes a QR code and PIN which is punched into a specially-fitted terminal at the counter to complete the transaction using PayPal.

McDonald's says the system will be available in 1100 outlets across France by the end of the year, representing 80% of the food chain's retail footprint in the country.

As McDonald's most profitable overseas market, France is seen as a useful test bed for the programme ahead of its introduction in other territories.

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