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John Dring

John Dring

Digital Services and mCommerce at Intel Network Services
Message Message me Posts: 4 Comments: 209
Bio Digital Commerce - Service Provider Mobile/Web/TV, Commerce, Security, Content, API Monetisation - Scoping, selling and enabling interesting digital applications. Career History IT / SW Vendor Solutions and Selling, PreSales, Consulting and Delivery roles since 1987. From Government, Enterprise, Finance, Security, Telco, & Mobile.



Does NFC equal mobile payments?

21 May 2011

OK, I have not initiated a Finextra blog for a while. Time to at least put an alternate perspective on the raft of NFC spawned mobile payment announcements. NFC is being embedded in devices. POS terminals are being cycled to include NFC readers. The public are being groomed to go ‘contactless’. All well and good. But I have a problem calling ...



Elementary, but please explain...

10 Jul 2009

Why, when a Bank will hound a defaulting mortgagee for 50 years for repayment, adding new charge after new charge and top rate interest on top, can a Bank get away with the idea that its debts will be wiped off the slate and forgotten? When public money was funneled into the Banks, I for one thought it was the right thing to do because I believed m...


Nice try

06 Nov 2008

Nice idea, but I am sure all those that received double will get a letter informing them that 'an error was detected, and your account was not correctly debited, so we have corrected it for you'. If you want to take it up with the bank and face a dishonesty charge - feel free. I am assuming of cause that the ATM was correctly noting what it was p...



Digital Signatures....

17 Oct 2008

Well not PKI, but I have always had a grudge about those digital tablet or handheld POS things you are sometimes asked to sign on top of. With all the talk about Chip + PIN, it reminded me... I mean, you are basically digitising your signature into some merchants system, which is stored, somewhere, and in theory used to verify that you did pur...


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