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Richard Peers

Richard Peers

  fascinating to see it in ths way
Hitesh Thakkar

Hitesh Thakkar

  Great initiative by Unicredit, Italy. Definite learning page for all card managers.
A Finextra Member

A Finextra member

  Variable Amount Direct Debits (VADD) have been around for 40 years or more and work perfectly.
A Finextra Member

A Finextra member

  All this sounds good, but misses out on an important feature in the payments legislation: If a bank (or ASPSP as the regulators say) does not implement strong 2 factor authentication along the lines in PSD2 for a payment order, but instead allows the account holder to  transfer monies out of the account without this by using one of the PSD2 listed exceptions, the risk of thge payment is on the ASPSP/bank and the payer/account holder can ask for an immediate refund at any time. The payer ASPSP/bank is not entitled to ask for a corresponding refund from the payee ASPSP/bank and the payee is not under obligation to pay back! Why would ASPSP:s/banks adopt this model if they are not paid by somebody for this extra risk. Payee ASPSP/banks that want to receive the convenient payment on behalf of normally a corporate payee, do not pay any "interchange lookalike" fee to the payer ASPSP/bankfor this and such fees are actually prohibited in the legislation for account-account payments. The UK Finance should therefore also propose corresponding changes to the risk allocation of "non 2 factor" autheticated payments and make the payee ASPSP/bank or third party payment initiator  liable to pay back to the payer ASPSP/bank when a payer asks for a refund. 

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