
Latest Results from /payments


Citi suit prompts dispute between CFPB and industry groups

A legal case involving how Citi responded to customers who had money stolen via wire transfers has caused a spat between the CFPB and industry associations over the scope of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA).


Stripe blames regulatory landscape for move to invite-only in India

Payments giant Strip is moving to an invite-only model for new clients in India as it builds up the infrastructure to deal with an evolving regulatory landscape.


Mastercard pilots Crypto Credential network

Mastercard has begun piloting its Crypto Credential network, enabling cross-border peer-to-peer digital asset transactions between Latin America and Europe.


Next UK government should make Big Tech pay to fight scams - UK Finance

The next UK government should introduce a bill that forces technology, social media and telecoms firms to contribute £40 million a year to fight fraud and scams, says UK Finance.


Swift to pilot AI in fight against fraud

Banking co-operative Swift is working with global banks on AI pilots to tackle cross-border payments fraud.


Pay.UK hails fraud detection pilot results

Pay.UK says a fraud detection pilot involving Visa has exceed expectations, suggesting that it could save the country's economy over £112 million a year.


PayPal stablecoin comes to Solana blockchain

PayPal's PYUSD is now available on the Solana blockchain in a move that the company says will make its stablecoin faster and cheaper to use.


CBA pilots NameCheck technology on JPMorgan's Liink blockchain

Commonwealth Bank of Australia is to help validate bank account details used in international payments to Australia by integrating its NameCheck technology with JPMorgan's blockchain network Liink.


EBAday 2024: 100 banks registered and ready to fuel the payments technology conversation

Q. What does the payments sector look for in a conference? A. The number of banks registered to attend and the number of bank speakers on the agenda, ready to openly communicate to the audience how they are currently leveraging technology.


PayPoint invests in Aperidata

British bill payment outfit PayPoint has made a £1 million investment in consumer and business credit reporting and open banking platform Aperidata.


Interledger Foundation foots bill for fintechs to build global interoperability network

The Interledger Foundation, an organisation dedicated to the creation of an open, interoperable payment network, is promising to fund fintechs that use its protocol to bring payments to emerging markets and underserved populations.


PayPal builds advertising platform

PayPal is building an advertising platform, tapping into its trove of customer data to help merchants better target their ads.