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989 Results from 2010

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Tokyo fires blunt arrowhead

The Tokyo Stock Exchange has spent $140 million on the development of arrowhead, a new 'super-fast' trading platform that processes trades in five milliseconds, approximately 600 times faster than its legacy predecessor. The TSE may have hauled itself into the 21st century with the upgrade, but it already appears to have been left in the starting b...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Will your customer appreciate that innovation?

A brand new year is upon us! What can we look forward to in the banking domain? My sense is that banks will reaffirm their commitment to innovation in a bid to generate greater value and differentiation. We are likely to see a continuation of the technology theme in improving banking distribution, processes, efficiency and risk management. Whil...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How to Hack a Corporate Networ with Facebook

There’s a lot of excessive trust in the Facebook world. People have entirely dropped their sense of cynicism when logged on. They have no reason to distrust. People who are your “Friends” are generally those who you “know, like and trust”. In this world, your guard is as down as it will ever be. You are in the safety of your own home or office ha...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fragmentation Fever Goes East

Looks like 2010 is going to be a pretty interesting year in the battle for liquidity between the established exchanges and the more recently established MTFs and dark pools. It also looks like fragmentation fever is likely to spread eastward, too. This is being driven by a number of factors that include technology, regulation and commercial opport...

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

Good Times in Fraudland: Part I

Thirty years from now if I’ll ever look back and read my old blogs, I’m sure I’ll agree with what my current self is about to state: There was never a better time to be a cybercriminal than in good old 2009. So many things worked in favor of online fraudsters that I doubt if there’ll ever be a year as good as 2009, assuming you’re crooks trying to ...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How I Wasted 4 Hours with a Criminal Hacker

Lately I’ve been coming across “advertisements” posted on forums from criminal hackers looking to sell our stolen information. They are “carders” selling “dumps” and “fullz” I wrote about it HERE. Well I decided to make contact with one of them to see what the deal is. It turns out the one I connected with was less than forthcoming, but was very p...

/security /regulation

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Love News Corp. or leave it

The latest re-organisation of Dow Jones by Murdoch's News Corp. did not leave a place for market data veteran Clare Hart. Management reshuffles are nothing new in any industry. A press release is issued with the top brass thanking the departing exec for 'all their years of service' and contribution to the growth of the company -yada yada yada... I...

Women in Technology

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Biometrics, cost and password resets

An interesting story about Bank Leumi on Finextra just before Christmas. It seems that Bank Leumi will be using voice biometrics for password re-sets for online banking. There are a couple of interesting things about this. The first is that password re-sets are an absolute pain for helpdesks and similar types of contact centre. Depending on whet...

/security /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is regulation driving innovation in the Middle East?

‘Regulation’… this one word seems to have carried a dark cloud over the banking industry for the last year. However, not all regulation in recent months has been focused on liquidity or reigning in banks’ independence. In the UAE, for example, the introduction of the ‘Wages Protection System’ has enabled banks to seek out opportunities to become m...

/payments /retail

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Blogs and blogs

I have been writing blogs for about 3 years and it is helping me to get some messages and information out to partners, customers, students, researchers and others who share the networked economy passion. About a year ago I was invited by finextra to start blogging on their site. As I have a background in banking and especially e- and 3rd generatio...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

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