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989 Results from 2010

Retired Member

Retired Member 

German government warns against using Internet Explorer

My past posts on the widening gulf between "modern" browsers and Internet Explorer have generated so much interest that I thought I'd forward this link. At the same time as Microsoft is grappling with the PR disaster triggered by these latest security vulnerabilities, browsers like Firefox, Safari and Chrome are powering ahead, with nati...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

NAO tells HMRC to answer the phone - that would be nice

"HM Revenue and Customs: Handling telephone enquiries", published by the National Audit Office on 15 January, says that HMRC's customer contact directorate answered only 57% of the 103 million attempted calls in 2008-09. This compares with 71% in the year before and an industry benchmark of more than 90%. In the first half of 2009-10 the...

/payments Whatever...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Why Am I Logged Into Someone's FriendFeed?

I have pretty tight controls over my network and access to my 510 usernames and passworded accounts. Yes he just said “510”…and counting. I have full administrative rights over every PC and nobody else has access to my home or office. So it came as a surprise to me when I went to log into my FriendFeed account to make an adjustment and I discovere...

/security /regulation

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Pyramid upside down - finally

When we started e-banking back in -82 we saw it as a pyramid. A very broad base where customers do their everyday banking on PCs - checking balances, paying bills, getting notifications on direct debit etc. On this "habit" base and frequent traffic it was then possible to add tens of additional services - more seldom needed - all the way...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Britons tech knowledge a little lacking?

In case you've not seen this yet - here's a slightly disturbing insight into the state of awareness of information technology issues in the UK. According to a recent survey, one in 10 Britons think Apple founder Steve Jobs is a trade union leader. One in 20 thinks he's a footballer. Nine percent thought Sir Tim Berners-Lee was head of MI5. Two perc...


Dirk Kinvig

Dirk Kinvig Web Services Manager at Finextra

Friday Finextra Updates: Notifications

We have completed another minor revision to the Community Portal, that's aimed at keeping Community members more up-to-date with one-other: First, previously, when a Community Member sent a message to another, the only way the recipient knew this was to log in and check their messages. The current Finextra Message policy is to remove messages afte...

Finextra site news

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

Good Times in Fraudland: Part II

In my first of three entries summarizing 2009 online fraud trends, I suggested that there had never been a better time to be a cybercriminal, and talked about the high grade Trojans currently available to fraudsters. But to use a modern warfare analogy, even if you have nuclear weapons they aren’t really effective without a robust ballistic missil...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Deconstructing Zynga: what's up in Social Gaming fraud

Talking to friends in a party I had to hold myself from becoming too smuggy-smug-smug. Yep, the lot of "I'm too good for Mafia Wars" geeks fell prey to the eggplant-growing rhythm of Farmville. Eggplants. My friends. I don’t even like eggplants, but still felt responsible in a way, though they’re only a drop in Zynga’s estimated 15M+...

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Data Breaches: The Insanity Continues

The Identity Theft Resource Center Breach Report also monitors how breaches occur. This task is made more difficult by the scarcity of information provided (publicly) for approximately 1/3 of the recorded breaches. For the remainder, those events that do state how the breach occurred, malicious attacks (Hacking + Insider Theft) have taken t...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Another GSM Algorithm Cracked

The A5/1 encryption cypher fell last week and now the A5/3 has been cracked. Not a good week for mobile phone carriers and alarm bells should be ringing if you are planning involving the GSM association in any secure applications and perhaps you need to revisit the risk equation. For those in the know a new type of attack was used to construct a si...

/security /regulation Whatever...

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