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989 Results from 2010

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Leave RBS alone, already.

I'm going out on a bit of a limb here, but here goes. I was walking past the RBS building on Bishopsgate after leaving the Deutsche Bank press event. (they plan on becoming the number one payments clearer for mobile money providers - but more on that on FinextraLive later.) A handful of hardy souls 'Youth Votes for Jobs' (I am sorry if I got it wro...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Forget Privacy, Think Security

Everywhere you go there is a privacy advocate screaming to protect your privacy. Privacy advocates, bless them, are a dying breed. They fight for whatever privacy rights there are left and do their best to remain watchdogs. If your gig is privacy, my guess is you have lost all your hair and are popping Prozac to relieve the stress of todays anti-p...

/security /regulation

Michael Wright

Michael Wright ex-CEO, NED at Tilte, Taxd, Welleasy

I've been Phished, Again !

With half of the Internet users in the UK now banking online (UK Payments Administration, Jan 2010), it’s hardly surprising that phishing is on the rise. As new customers migrate to more convenient banking processes, the number of potential targets for phishers grows each week. I’m a victim of phishing attacks each week, but as part of an antip...


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Twitter trouble - Microsoft again?...well Bill Gates anyhow

Those of you Twitters out there may be experiencing a slow Twitter day. No, it is not due to old Teddy Kennedy turning in his grave (I'll spare the Finextra Community my views on that one). But it seems Bill Gates joined Twitter last night...and broke it. Oh dear. Or it was just the too many Whales ...not as much fun.


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The T Word

It was interesting to watch Andrew Bowley’s video interview on Finextra regarding the launch of Nomura’s dark pool - NX. It helped crystallise the love/hate relationship between dark pools and the T word - Transparency. Andrew Bowley made a good point about how the pursuit of MTF status for NX had been going on for a long time and wasn’t just a k...

Steve Dance

Steve Dance Managing Partner at RiskCentric

A journey around a risk governance systems implementation

I recently met with a former colleague of mine who recounted a story that as first seems extreme, but which I have subsequently established to be a common problem: My contact was a risk manager in a large financial institution and he was recounting to me his experiences in implementing a risk and compliance governance system. The system had entai...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

No more secrets: managing risk when access control breaks

This post is a first in a series I will be exchanging with Allison Miller, one of my esteemed colleagues in Paypal's Risk organization, in her reinstated blog. “Man may be defined as the animal that can say "I," that can be aware of himself as a separate entity”. (Erich Fromm) “Identity” is a widely debated term, in various areas; Phil...

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Steven Murdoch

Steven Murdoch Royal Society University Research Fellow at University College London

Encoding integers in the EMV protocol

On the 1st of January 2010, many German bank customers found that their banking smart cards had stopped working. Details of why are still unclear, but indications are that the cards believed that the date was 2016, rather than 2010, and so refused to process a transaction supposedly after their expiry dates. This problem could turn out to be quite...

/security Information Security

Lachlan Gunn

Lachlan Gunn Executive Director at European Association for Secure Transactions

EMV Smart Card security - what's the way forward?

My post on 'should we have chip only payment cards?' gave rise to some discussion and debate, and many thanks to all those concerned for their views and comments. The related website poll conducted by the European ATM Security Team (EAST) indicated that 60% of respondents felt that European EMV cards should not hold sensitive cardholder data as ...


Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Turn that FinTech frown upside down

Well, today is, officially, the most miserable day of the year - the third Monday in January. However, it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day for those in the US. And for those of us working in London, today is the first real day back to work where we didn't have to slush through snow, suffer through train delays or fall down stairs in public (don't ask)...

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