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1147 Results from 2019

Marcus Martinez

Marcus Martinez Industry Advisor, Worldwide FSI at Microsoft

Predicting an avalanche

Avalanches are an interesting phenomenon. All looks peaceful and quiet, until that exact moment when an invisible trigger is activated and that humongous mass of snow comes down destroying anything standing in its way, temporarily changing the landscape beyond recognition and covering the ground with new layers of debris. So how do we know when a...

Open Banking

Michael Chambers

Michael Chambers Director | Head of Prudential at Wheelhouse Advisors

Record fine issued for governance and control failings over regulatory reporting

Yesterday, the UK arm of a large international banking group was fined £44 million for prolonged and pervasive shortcomings in its internal controls and governance arrangements around capital and liquidity adequacy and regulatory reporting. The record fine highlights the importance of regulated firms designing, implementing and operating appropria...

/regulation /retail Financial Services Regulation

Michael Chambers

Michael Chambers Director | Head of Prudential at Wheelhouse Advisors

A prudential end of year to-do list

With calendar year end right around the corner, now is a good time to think ahead about the annual review of your firm’s prudential governance arrangements. It’s a good time to sit down with a cup of coffee and reflect on the FCA’s consultation paper (or “CP”) from earlier this year; ‘Consultation 19/20: Our framework: assessing adequate financial...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Shirish Netke

Shirish Netke President at Amberoon

What is Agile Compliance ?

As more banks make headlines through failing to effectively monitor and report on money-laundering activity, we need to rethink the AML problem and the roadblocks to solving it. To restate the problem, we have $2T laundered through the banking system every year. About $25B is intercepted by law enforcement and $70B is spent by banks on AML. And yet...

/regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

FinTech Myth busting - Selling Technology to Banks

To sell to big banks, most fintechs need to get serious Selling to large banks as a small fintech is definitely possible, but it’s not going to land you a multi-million dollar deal overnight and you should forget any notion of moving fast and breaking things I’ve been in the financial services market for over a decade. During that time, I’ve worked...

/startups Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Debbie Green

Debbie Green VP of Applications at Oracle

Why CFOs should step outside the numbers

The role of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) has been completely reimagined in the last five to ten years. CFOs now have more responsibility and a wider remit for ensuring the success of the company. According to a recent McKinsey Company report, five functions other than finance now report to most CFOs: risk, regulatory compliance, M&A, IT and...

/ai Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How to Detect and Prevent Transaction Reversal Fraud - UK Edition

On November 21st, a security alert from NCR was issued describing a new form of Transaction Reversal Fraud (TRF) occurring in the UK, typically between 10 PM and midnight on any given day. Contrary to previously reported TRF attacks in which cash is pried from the dispenser after a payment reversal is initiated due to the jamming of the card reade...

/security /payments Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Prasoon Mukherjee

Prasoon Mukherjee Director | Head of Securities Services | GSC-India at Societe Generale Bank

Accounting, Auditing and Blockchain. The common thread that binds the 3 is Triple Entry Accounting

Introduction: A background of accounting and auditing mis-governance, that’s hard to ignore: With sheer increase in the number of accounting scams that the industries have witnessed since early 2000, I have had this inner urge to bring this subject for more intensive debate. The last to hit a similar cord, is the recent issue of a whistle-blower, ...

/regulation Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bringing foresight to bear on security performance

Much is made of the ability of Artificial Intelligence to improve business performance in many different ways and places in organisations. Financial Services as a sector is no stranger to these claims but remains some way off realising the full business benefit which the technology promises. One area of very high potential benefit which appears o...

/ai /security Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The state of the global export market. Barriers and opportunities for local business going global

Global trade is an ever-shifting sea. The waves of growth go up and down, but one thing remains certain: both barriers and opportunities are always present. Global trade tensions have been rising since 2018, and with tariffs on some widespread goods having a comeback in the last couple of years, international export/import activities face some chal...

/startups Bigger than Technology

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