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1147 Results from 2019

Robert McKechnie

Robert McKechnie Head of Products at Equifax

Open Banking: The hidden cure for financial vulnerability

As more and more companies evolve Open Banking technology into live customer solutions, both businesses and consumers are beginning to experience its transformational benefits. Despite this, its full potential remains largely untapped. From addressing unmet SME needs, such as resolving payment pain-points to plugging credit application gaps, Open ...

Rolf Hauge

Rolf Hauge CEO at Commercial Banking Applications (CBA)

Ready for SWIFT Releases 2020 and 2021?

Following the relatively straightforward implementation of SWIFT Release 2019 this November, are you ready for the more complex requirements of SWIFT Releases 2020 and 2021? Here I’ll summarise what’s in store across both Trade Finance and Payments for 2020 and beyond. It’s worth noting that the impact of the changes planned for November 2021 are...

/payments /regulation SWIFT Matters

Retired Member

Retired Member 

European FinTech: the next generation trend setter

The influence of the US on European culture There is no doubt that the US has been a bit of a trend setter over the years when it comes to the way Europe operates. Whether that be within imports and exports, retail and fashion, or real estate, what happens in the US is mirrored across Europe and the world. The US influencing trend has spread acro...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cloud 2.0: What to expect in financial services?

Research from TABB Group earlier this year found that use of public cloud within financial services was poised to accelerate in 2019. These findings are reflected in our own recent survey[1] which found that 80% of European and North American asset managers will be using the cloud for data management by the end of 2020. It seems the cloud has well...

/ai /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Mahesh Pawal

Mahesh Pawal Portfolio Product Manager, Digital Transformation at Fiserv

How FI should survive in 'Open Banking' battlefield ?

Traditionally financial industry protected the customers’ personal, financial and transactional data. This was a great entry barrier for players like new financial institutions and fintech companies. However recent changes on regulatory horizon, including implementation of Farrell Report in Australia, Payme

/retail Open Banking

David Villaseca

David Villaseca Global Head of CX, Marketing & Sales at Oracle Financial Services Group

Are Banks really responsible in a digital world? Challenges on United Nations COP25

This week, we held a discussion on Responsible Banking on the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25). It connected different experts from Bank of Spain, Santander, etc. In terms of green banking, the EU is considering a “green supporting factor” for bank lending: for example, encouraging banks to finance energy-efficient homes, zer

/sustainable Digital Sales

Retired Member

Retired Member 

2019 Holiday Shopping Retail Trends Pt. 1

Holiday retail sales will increase by 5% in 2019, according to Deloitte’s annual holiday economic forecast. As a retailer, what can your business do to capitalize on the holiday shopping season and make the most of this influx of customers? How can you strengthen your relationship with your customers? In this two-part series, we look at various 20...


Vikas Seth

Vikas Seth Chief Product Officer at IDnow Gmbh

How to improve your business with strong online identity verification

Going global means breaking geographical barriers and allowing people to connect from anywhere at any time. Every day, we see various business processes being digitized to allow businesses to go global. In this digital age, where an increasing number of companies are offering virtual services, strong authentication with online identification hold

/retail /crime

Zac Cohen

Zac Cohen COO at Trulioo

Treat 6AMLD as an Opportunity to Excel

All over the world, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance regimes are undergoing sweeping changes, as a result of shifting economic sanctions, new Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO), data-reporting demands and cybercrime. Effective AML programs — to ensure compliance — are a fundamental requirement for obliged entities. Ensuring effective policies, p...


George Zarya

George Zarya 

Germany Leads The Way In Crypto, Bequant CEO sees historic precedent

Germany is traditionally seen as a trustworthy player in the financial space, not least because of its approach to regulation. Deutschland’s compliance approach and traditional conservative values when it comes to finance made it an unexpected, but natural successor to carry the crypto torch when it put itself on the path of allowing banks to acce...

/crypto Fintech

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