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Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Artificial Intelligence in its adoloscence

Quoting Babak Hodjat words “A lot of what AI is being used for today only scratches the surface of what can be done. It will become so ubiquitous that we won’t even call it AI anymore.” For the Nextgen to rewind and know that this form of me existed, I (AI)write this blog about my current phase –I call it, my late teens. It will not be too far befo...


Pooja Golakonda

Pooja Golakonda Lead Consultant at Edgeverve

Artificial Intelligence for Financial Inclusion

Next Tide: We need to be ready The Indian Rural Banking landscape has just seen a major transition, by way of Financial Inclusion under the guidance of RBI. It started with Small savings accounts, Agency banking channel, Aadhaar number, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, BBPS, BHIM, AEPS payments, UPI etc. First time in the history of India’s Banking...

/ai /inclusion

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