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Urvish Macwan

Urvish Macwan Team Leader at Hyperlink Infosystem

You Can Only Enjoy Your Mobile App If It Has These Features

It is quite surprising that at this stage some companies don’t have a mobile app. It is even worse that they still question the importance of app development and mobile apps. Well, if you are among the managers that have not hired mobile app developers, you are already losing your customers/clients to your competitors that have a mobile app. Acco...

Urvish Macwan

Urvish Macwan Team Leader at Hyperlink Infosystem

Mobile Technology, Its Importance, Present And Future Trends

Mobile technology is a form of technology that is mostly used in cellular communication and other related aspects. It uses a form of platform where by many transmitters have the ability to send data at the same time on a single channel. This platform is called Code-division multiple access (CDMA). This platform allows many users to make use of sin...


Urvish Macwan

Urvish Macwan Team Leader at Hyperlink Infosystem

Having The 4G Network Mystery Demytified

Until recently, the world has witnessed significant revolutions in mobile technologies beginning from the radio frequency technology right to 3G technology that has hit the waves all over the world. However, technology being one of the most dynamic areas in the world, the 3G technology is now gradually being faced out by the 4G technology. It is u...


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